
我对 pas-tableur 包做了一些修改,使其更好地类似于 Excel 2019,不幸的是我无法修改行号的开头,我附上了我想要实现的图像。
% the package "tab-excel" from the file "tab-excel.sty" is added ----------------------------------------------
\tableur*[8]{A/2cm ,B/3cm ,C/2cm,D/2cm}
\celtxt*[c]{A}{1}{$ n $}
\celtxt*[c]{B}{1}{$ u_n $}
Here starts the modified package
% %
% pas-tableur.sty v2.01 encodage : UTF8 %
% %
% %
% Cree par Stephane PASQUET %
% %
\filedate\space v\fileversion\space
LaTeX package by Stephane PASQUET]
% Definition des couleurs
\definecolor{grayTopCell}{RGB}{102 ,102 ,102}
\definecolor{grayBottomCell}{RGB}{102 ,102 ,102}
\definecolor{graySepCell}{RGB}{102 ,102 ,102}
\definecolor{blueSelecCellTop}{RGB}{51 ,51 ,51}
\definecolor{blueSelecCellBottom}{RGB}{51 ,51 ,51}
\definecolor{verde}{RGB}{33, 115, 70}
% Definition des dimensions par defaut
\def\numline@width{3em} % largeur de la colonne indiquant le numeros des lignes
%==> Changer les valeurs par defaut
% Definition des polices de caracteres
% Construction du tableur %
%==> Macro intermediaire : trace de la premiere cellule
% #1 : \first@width, #2 : \first@name, #3 : 0=colonne1 / 1=autres colonnes /
% 2 = ligne 1, #4 : coord., #5 : contenu
\tikzstyle{cellstyle} = [celhead,minimum width={#1},minimum height=\line@height]%
\tikzstyle{cellstyle} = [celhead,right,minimum width={#1},minimum height=\line@height]%
\tikzstyle{cellstyle} = [below left,celhead,minimum width={#1},minimum height=\line@height]
\tikzstyle{cellstryle} = [below,celhead,minimum width={#1},minimum height=\line@height]
\node[cellstyle] (#2) at \pastableur@coord {\helvbx#5};%
(#2.north west) --
(#2.north east) --
(#2.south east) --
(#2.south west) --
\node[color=white,minimum width={#1},minimum height=\line@height,cellstyle] at \pastableur@coord {\helvbx#5};%
%==> Macro intermediaire : trace de la grille
\newcommand{\pastableur@grid}[4] % #1 : width, #2 : name, #3 : numline, #4 : coord.
\node[celempty,below,minimum height=\line@height,minimum width=#1] (cell#2-#3) at (#4) {};%
\draw[graySepCell] ($(cell#2-#3.south west)+(0.25pt,0)$) -- (cell#2-#3.south east) -- ($(cell#2-#3.north east)+(0,-0.25pt)$);%
%==> Style des cellules
\tikzstyle{celempty} = [outer sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{celhead} = [draw=graySepCell!50,rectangle,outer sep=0pt]
%==> Macro de redirection : etoilee ou pas etoilee ?
%==> Macro etoilee : \tableur*{A/<l1>,B/<l2>,...}. Tableur avec colonnes de largeurs differentes
% Placement de la premiere cellule en-tête
% Placement des autres en-têtes de colonnes
\foreach \name/\w [remember=\name as \lastname,count=\colnumber] in {#2}
% Placement des en-têtes de lignes INICIA EL CONTADOR
\pastab@draw@cell{\numline@width}{numline1}{2}{\[email protected] west}{1}
\foreach \num@line [remember=\num@line as \lastnum (initially 1)] in {2,...,#1}
\pastab@draw@cell{\numline@width}{numline\num@line}{3}{numline\lastnum.south east}{\num@line}%
% Trace de la grille
\foreach \name/\w in {#2}
\foreach\numline [remember=\numline as \lastnumline (initially 1)] in {2,...,#1}
\foreach \name/\w in {#2}
} % --> Fin de \tableur*
%==> Macro non etoilee : \tableur{A,B,C,...} ou \tableur{A-C}
\xdef\col@names{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ} %----------> Liste des noms de colonnes <----------
\newcommand{\tableur@nostar}[2][1] % [#1] -> nombre de lignes (par defaut, "1"), #2 -> A,B,...,Z
\StrBefore{#2}{-}[\str@start] % 1ere lettre, par ex. "G"
\StrBehind{#2}{-}[\str@end] % 2eme lettre, par ex. "L"
\StrBetween{\col@names}{\str@start}{\str@end}[\str@col] % retourne par exemple "HIJK"
\edef\str@col{\str@start\str@col\str@end} % retourne alors "GHIJKL"
\StrLen{\str@col}[\nb@columns] % nombre de colonnes
% --> On place la premiere cellule en-tête
% --> On place les autres en-têtes
\foreach \i [remember=\i as \lasti (initially 1)] in {2,...,\nb@columns}
\foreach \name [remember=\name as \lastname] in {#2}
% Placement des en-têtes de lignes
\pastab@draw@cell{\numline@width}{numline1}{2}{\[email protected] west}{1}
\foreach \num@line [remember=\num@line as \lastnum (initially 1)] in {2,...,#1}
\pastab@draw@cell{\numline@width}{numline\num@line}{3}{numline\lastnum.south east}{\num@line}%
% Trace de la grille
\foreach \i in {1,...,\nb@columns}
\foreach\numline [remember=\numline as \lastnumline (initially 1)] in {2,...,#1}
\foreach \i in {1,...,\nb@columns}
\foreach \name in {#2}
\foreach\numline [remember=\numline as \lastnumline (initially 1)] in {2,...,#1}
\foreach \name in {#2}
} % --> Fin de \tableur
% Inserer quelque chose dans une cellule : \celtxt [modif. du 2016/01/21 due \`a "Un bon petit"]
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {celtxt} {width}{}
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {celtxt} {color}{}
\define@boolkey [PAS] {celtxt} {l}[true]{}
\define@boolkey [PAS] {celtxt} {r}[true]{}
\define@boolkey [PAS] {celtxt} {c}[true]{}
\presetkeys [PAS] {celtxt} {width = \col@width, color=black}{}
\node at (cell#2-#3) {\makebox[\dimexpr\cmdPAS@celtxt@width-2pt][\pos@align]{\pastab@style{\textcolor{\cmdPAS@celtxt@color}{#4}}}};%
% Cellule selectionnee : \selecCell
%==> En-tête ligne
\node[color=white,celhead,minimum width=\numline@width,minimum height=\line@height] at (numline#2) {\helvbx#2};%
%==> En-tête colonne
\node[color=white] at (#1) {\helvbx#1};%
%==> Cellule cell#1-#1
\draw[color=verde,very thick] (cell#1-#2.south west) rectangle (cell#1-#2.north east);%
\fill[verde] ($(cell#1-#2.south east)+(-1pt,1pt)$) rectangle +(3pt,-3pt);%
} % fin de \selecCell
% Selection de plusieurs cellules : \multiSelec{A-1}{B-2} _/!\_ Nouvelle syntaxe 2014
\fill[gris,opacity=0.5] ($(cell#1.north west)+(0.25pt,-0.25pt)$) rectangle ($(cell#2.south east)+(-0.25pt,0.25pt)$);%
% \draw[color=verde,very thick] (cell#1.south west) rectangle (cell#1.north east);%
\fill[white] (cell#1.south west) rectangle (cell#1.north east);%
\draw[color=verde,very thick] ($(cell#1.north west)+(0.25pt,-0.25pt)$) rectangle ($(cell#2.south east)+(-0.25pt,0.25pt)$);%
\fill[verde] ($(cell#2.south east)+(-0.5pt,0.5pt)$) rectangle +(3pt,-3pt);%
%==> On colorie les en-têtes "colonnes"
\StrChar{#1}{1}[\str@start] % par exemple, "G"
\StrChar{#2}{1}[\str@end] % par exemple, "L"
\StrBetween{\col@names}{\str@start}{\str@end}[\str@col] % retourne par exemple "HIJK"
\edef\str@col{\str@start\str@col\str@end} % retourne alors "GHIJKL"
\StrLen{\str@col}[\nb@columns] % nombre d'en-têtes "colonnes" \`a colorier
\foreach \i in {1,...,\nb@columns}
\node[color=white] at (\name) {\helvbx\name};%
%==> On colorie les en-têtes "lignes"
\foreach \i in {\first@num,...,\second@num}
\node[color=white,celhead,minimum width=\numline@width,minimum height=\line@height] at (numline\i) {\helvbx\i};%
}% fin de \multiSelec
\newcommand{\pastableur@colorcell}[2] % #1 : name, #2 : 0=en-tetes "lignes" / 1=en-tetes "colonnes"
($(#1.south west)+(\pastableur@decal,-\pastableur@decal)$) --
($(#1.south east)+(-\pastableur@decal,\pastableur@decal)$) --
($0.5*(#1.south east)+0.5*(#1.north east)+(-\pastableur@decal,0)$) --
($0.5*(#1.south west)+0.5*(#1.north west)+(\pastableur@decal,0)$) --
($(#1.north west)+(\pastableur@decal,-\pastableur@decal)$) --
($(#1.north east)+(-\pastableur@decal,-\pastableur@decal)$) --
($(#1.south east)+(-\pastableur@decal,\pastableur@decal)$) --
($(#1.south west)+(\pastableur@decal,-\pastableur@decal)$) --