受到法国旧报纸风格的启发,例如 Borel 和 Tits,还原组,我在我的论文中使用了我的自定义类定理环境subsec
\section{Motivation} \label{s:motivation}
Throughout the article, $k_0$ is a field of characteristic $0$,
and $k$ is a fixed algebraic closure of $k_0$.
We use the term ``$k_0$-model'' rather than ``$k_0$-form''
because the term ``form'' is overloaded.
For any two numbers $x,y\in{\mathbb R}$, we have
\begin{equation} x+y=y+x.\end{equation}
\begin{proof} This is well known. \end{proof}
\begin{subsec} A $k_0$-torus $T_0$ is called {\em split}
if it is isomorphic to $({\mathbb G}_{m,k_0})^n$
for some natural number $n$, where ${\mathbb G}_{m,k_0}$
is the multiplicative group over $k_0$.
而不是 \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{amsart}
\section{Motivation} \label{s:motivation}
Throughout the article, $k_0$ is a field of characteristic $0$,
and $k$ is a fixed algebraic closure of $k_0$.
We use the term ``$k_0$-model'' rather than ``$k_0$-form''
because the term ``form'' is overloaded.
For any two numbers $x,y\in{\mathbb R}$, we have
\begin{equation} x+y=y+x.\end{equation}
\begin{proof} This is well known. \end{proof}
A $k_0$-torus $T_0$ is called {\em split}
if it is isomorphic to $({\mathbb G}_{m,k_0})^n$
for some natural number $n$, where ${\mathbb G}_{m,k_0}$
is the multiplicative group over $k_0$. \end{subsec}
See the result at the end of my question (I could not put it here...)
As you can see, the ```oupau```` class puts a *solid square* at the end of the proof,
and it puts an *empty square* ```\qed```
at the end of each theorem-like environment.
In particular, each time when I write ```\end{subsec}```
I get a ```\qed``` symbol, which I don't need!
> **Request.** Please write for me a theorem-like environment ```subsec```
that will not put a ```\qed```-symbol when I write ```\end{subsec}```.
See below the relevant part (?) of the ```oupau``` class file.
\ifmmode \mathqed
\leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill
\pushQED{\qedthm}\deferred@thm@head{\the\thm@headfont \thm@indent
\thmheadnl % possibly a newline.
\def\@endtheorem{\popQED\endtrivlist\@endpefalse }
\hbox to.77778em{%
\hfil\vbox to.675em{\hrule width.6em height.6em}\hfil}}
\normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax
我自己对我的问题的回答(使用这个答案 相关问题,以及此评论)。其思想是\@endtheorem
% redefine the \@endtheorem macro
\def\@endtheorem{\endtrivlist\@endpefalse } % delete `\qed` macro
\newtheoremstyle{subsecthmstyle}{}{}{}{}{\bf}{.}{ }{}