\usepackage{graphicx} %to scale table
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered "X" column
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a bit of visual "breathing space"
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|s| s| b|}
\textbf{Score} & \textbf{ Description } & \textbf{Assessment criteria} \\\hline
1 & Description 1 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
2 & Description 2 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
3 & Description 3 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines\\
4 & Description 4 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
5 & Description 5 &Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
\caption{Criteria used}
编辑:我正在使用ACM latex模板,即acmart文档类。
编辑2:我在使用了@David Calisle 和@daleif 的建议后得到了这张图片
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a bit of visual "breathing space"
\textbf{Score} & \textbf{Description } & \textbf{Assessment criteria} \\\hline
1 & Description 1 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
2 & Description 2 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
3 & Description 3 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines\\
4 & Description 4 & Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
5 & Description 5 &Really long description that is longer than 3 lines \\
\caption{Criteria used}