\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 10} & {\bf 15} & {\bf 20} & {\bf 25} & {\bf 30} \\\hline
Entropy & & &&& \\
IDF & 0.4301& 0.4552&0.4627&\textbf{0.4648}&0.4610 \\
Normal & \textbf{0.4856} & 0.4802 &0.4769&0.4266&0.4181\\
ProbIDF &0.3333&0.3628&0.3717&\textbf{0.3831}&0.3697\\
LDA &\textbf{0.4668}&0.4587&0.4582&0.4482&0.4378 \\
Norm-alt & \textbf{0.5598}&0.5066&0.5077&0.4685&0.4876\\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 35} & {\bf 40} & {\bf 45} & {\bf 50} \\\hline
Entropy & & && \\
IDF & 0.4523&0.4270&0.4349&0.4337 \\
Normal &0.4176&0.3877&0.3724&0.3555\\
ProbIDF &0.3773&0.3712&0.3608&0.3705\\
LDA &0.4634&0.4518&0.4489&0.4481 \\
Normal-alt &0.4784&0.4493&0.4515&0.4420\\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 10} & {\bf 15} & {\bf 20} & {\bf 25} & {\bf 30} \\\hline
Entropy & & &&& \\
IDF & 0.4301& 0.4552&0.4627&\textbf{0.4648}&0.4610 \\
Normal & \textbf{0.4856} & 0.4802 &0.4769&0.4266&0.4181\\
ProbIDF &0.3333&0.3628&0.3717&\textbf{0.3831}&0.3697\\
LDA &\textbf{0.4668}&0.4587&0.4582&0.4482&0.4378 \\
Norm-alt & \textbf{0.5598}&0.5066&0.5077&0.4685&0.4876\\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 35} & {\bf 40} & {\bf 45} & {\bf 50} \\\hline
Entropy & & && \\
IDF & 0.4523&0.4270&0.4349&0.4337 \\
Normal &0.4176&0.3877&0.3724&0.3555\\
ProbIDF &0.3773&0.3712&0.3608&0.3705\\
LDA &0.4634&0.4518&0.4489&0.4481 \\
Normal-alt &0.4784&0.4493&0.4515&0.4420\\
\multirow{2}{*}{GTW} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\bfseries Entropy} \\
& IDF & Normal & ProbIDF & LDA & Norm-alt \\ \midrule
10 & 0.4301 & \textbf{0.4856} & 0.3333 & \textbf{0.4668} & \textbf{0.5598} \\
15 & 0.4552 & 0.4802 & 0.3628 & 0.4587 & 0.5066 \\
20 & 0.4627 & 0.4769 & 0.3717 & 0.4582 & 0.5077 \\
25 & \textbf{0.4648} & 0.4266 & \textbf{0.3831} & 0.4482 & 0.4685 \\
30 & 0.4610 & 0.4181 & 0.3697 & 0.4378 & 0.4876 \\
35 & 0.4523 & 0.4176 & 0.3773 & 0.4634 & 0.4784 \\
40 & 0.4270 & 0.3877 & 0.3712 & 0.4518 & 0.4493 \\
45 & 0.4349 & 0.3724 & 0.3608 & 0.4489 & 0.4515 \\
50 & 0.4337 & 0.3555 & 0.3705 & 0.4481 & 0.4420 \\ \bottomrule
All tables must be centered and clear (See Table \ref{table}).
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 10} & {\bf 15} & {\bf 20} \\ \hline
Entropy & & & \\
IDF & 0.4301 & 0.4552 &0.4627 \\
Normal & \textbf{0.4856} & 0.4802 &0.4769 \\
ProbIDF &0.3333 &0.3628 &0.3717 \\
LDA &\textbf{0.4668} &0.4587 &0.4582 \\
Normal-alt & \textbf{0.5598} &0.5066 &0.5077 \\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 25} & {\bf 30} & {\bf 35} \\ \hline
Entropy & & & \\
IDF &\textbf{0.4648} &0.4610 &0.4523 \\
Normal &0.4266 &0.4181 &0.4176 \\
ProbIDF &\textbf{0.3831} &0.3697 &0.3773 \\
LDA &0.4482 &0.4378 &0.4634 \\
Normal-alt &0.4685 &0.4876 &0.4784 \\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bf GTW} & {\bf 40} & {\bf 45} & {\bf 50} \\\hline
Entropy & & & \\
IDF &0.4270 &0.4349 &0.4337 \\
Normal &0.3877 &0.3724 &0.3555 \\
ProbIDF &0.3712 &0.3608 &0.3705 \\
LDA &0.4518 &0.4489 &0.4481 \\
Normal-alt &0.4493 &0.4515 &0.4420 \\
\caption{\label{table}The number and caption of the table always appear below the table.}
All figures must be centered like Figure~\ref{figure1}.
All tables must be centered and clear (See Table \ref{table}).
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 10} & {\bfseries 15} & {\bfseries 20} \\ \hline
Entropy & & & \\
IDF & 0.4301 & 0.4552 &0.4627 \\
Normal & \textbf{0.4856} & 0.4802 &0.4769 \\
ProbIDF &0.3333 &0.3628 &0.3717 \\
LDA &\textbf{0.4668} &0.4587 &0.4582 \\
Normal-alt & \textbf{0.5598} &0.5066 &0.5077 \\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 25} & {\bfseries 30} & {\bfseries 35} \\ \hline
Entropy & & & \\
IDF &\textbf{0.4648} &0.4610 &0.4523 \\
Normal &0.4266 &0.4181 &0.4176 \\
ProbIDF &\textbf{0.3831} &0.3697 &0.3773 \\
LDA &0.4482 &0.4378 &0.4634 \\
Normal-alt &0.4685 &0.4876 &0.4784 \\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 40} & {\bfseries 45} & {\bfseries 50} \\\hline
Entropy & & & \\
IDF &0.4270 &0.4349 &0.4337 \\
Normal &0.3877 &0.3724 &0.3555 \\
ProbIDF &0.3712 &0.3608 &0.3705 \\
LDA &0.4518 &0.4489 &0.4481 \\
Normal-alt &0.4493 &0.4515 &0.4420 \\
\caption{\label{table}The number and caption of the table always appear below the table.}
您可以减小尺寸,我发现 7.5pt 适合,或者使用三个表格。
\usepackage{lipsum} % for mock text
\title{\bfseries Ifsa-Eusflat 2021 Bratislava: Instructions for Authors}
\author{Author$^a$ \and $^*$Corresponding Author$^b$ \and Author$^{b,c}$\\
$^a$Department, Faculty, University, Address, \email{[email protected]} \\
$^b$Department, Faculty, University, Address, \email{[email protected]} \\
$^c$Department, Faculty, University, Address, \email{[email protected]}}
The abstract must be indented 0.7 cm both on left as well as right-hand margins.
Please, do not place or cite tables and figures in the abstract.
{\bfseries Keywords:} Start with capital, Use comma, At least three keywords.
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 10} & {\bfseries 15} & {\bfseries 20} & {\bfseries 25} & {\bfseries 30} \\\hline
Entropy IDF & 0.4301& 0.4552&0.4627&\textbf{0.4648}&0.4610 \\
Normal & \textbf{0.4856} & 0.4802 &0.4769&0.4266&0.4181\\
ProbIDF &0.3333&0.3628&0.3717&\textbf{0.3831}&0.3697\\
LDA &\textbf{0.4668}&0.4587&0.4582&0.4482&0.4378 \\
Norm-alt & \textbf{0.5598}&0.5066&0.5077&0.4685&0.4876\\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c} \hline
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 35} & {\bfseries 40} & {\bfseries 45} & {\bfseries 50} \\ \hline
Entropy IDF & 0.4523&0.4270&0.4349&0.4337 \\
Normal &0.4176&0.3877&0.3724&0.3555\\
ProbIDF &0.3773&0.3712&0.3608&0.3705\\
LDA &0.4634&0.4518&0.4489&0.4481 \\
Normal-alt &0.4784&0.4493&0.4515&0.4420\\
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 10} & {\bfseries 15} & {\bfseries 20} \\
Entropy IDF & 0.4301 & 0.4552 & 0.4627 \\
Normal & \?{0.4856} & 0.4802 & 0.4769 \\
ProbIDF & 0.3333 & 0.3628 & 0.3717 \\
LDA & \?{0.4668} & 0.4587 & 0.4582 \\
Norm-alt & \?{0.5598} & 0.5066 & 0.5077 \\
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 25} & {\bfseries 30} & {\bfseries 35} \\
Entropy IDF & \?{0.4648} & 0.4610 & 0.4523 \\
Normal & 0.4266 & 0.4181 & 0.4176 \\
ProbIDF & \?{0.3831} & 0.3697 & 0.3773 \\
LDA & 0.4482 & 0.4378 & 0.4634 \\
Norm-alt & 0.4685 & 0.4876 & 0.4784 \\
{\bfseries GTW} & {\bfseries 40} & {\bfseries 45} & {\bfseries 50} \\
Entropy IDF & 0.4270 & 0.4349 & 0.4337 \\
Normal & 0.3877 & 0.3724 & 0.3555 \\
ProbIDF & 0.3712 & 0.3608 & 0.3705 \\
LDA & 0.4518 & 0.4489 & 0.4481 \\
Normal-alt & 0.4493 & 0.4515 & 0.4420 \\
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