auto-pst-pdf 不再编译(大约一年后)

auto-pst-pdf 不再编译(大约一年后)


在 2020 年 5 月(甚至更早)之前,代码运行正常,没有任何问题。然后我今天挖出了这个项目并更新了一些内容,它不再编译了。


\usepackage[flushleft]{paralist}[2013/06/09] % VERY IMPORTANT






% \usepackage{lastpage}
% \usepackage{atenddvi}   %multiple last page
\usepackage[user]{zref} %multiple last page

%% -- compile
\usepackage[pdf]{pstricks}            %% added for pdflatex, use pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
\usepackage[crop=off]{auto-pst-pdf}   %% added for pdflatex, use pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
%% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} %% changes font to sans-serif

    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries 1\quad][10]%
    \filbreak % cool to know
    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries (i)]%
    import markers;
    import geometry;
    import graph;

%%% Document begins %%%



A plane makes an acute angle $\alpha$ with the horizontal. A box in the shape of a cube is fixed  onto  the plane  in such a way that four of its edges are horizontal and two of its sides are vertical.

A uniform rod of length $2L$ and weight $W$ rests  with its lower end at $A$ on the bottom of the box and its upper end at $B$ on a side of the box, as shown in the diagram below.  The vertical plane containing the rod  is parallel to the vertical sides of the box and cuts the lowest edge of the box at $O$. The rod makes an acute angle~$\beta$ with the side of the box at $B$.

The coefficients of friction between the rod and the box at the two points of contact are both $\tan \gamma$, where $0<   \gamma<\frac12\pi$.
%The  frictional force on the rod at $A$ acts toward $O$, 
%and the frictional force on the rod at~$B$
%acts away from $O$.

The rod is in limiting equilibrium, with the end at $A$  on the point of slipping in the direction away from $O$ and the end at $B$ on the point of slipping towards $O$. Given that $\alpha < \beta$, show that $\beta = \alpha + 2\gamma$. 

[{\bf Hint}: You may find it helpful to take moments about the midpoint of 
the rod.]
\newrgbcolor{zzttqq}{0.6 0.2 0}
\newrgbcolor{xdxdff}{0.49 0.49 1}
\psset{xunit=6mm  ,yunit=6mm  }
\psset{xunit=0.8cm,yunit=0.8cm,algebraic=true,dotstyle=o,dotsize=3pt 0,linewidth=0.8pt,arrowsize=3pt 2,arrowinset=0.25}
\psline(-2.54,-3   )(12,-3)
\rput[tl](2.6 ,-2.4 ){$ A $}
\rput[tl](-1.8 ,1.6){$ B $}
\rput[tl](-0.2,-3.15 ){$ O $}
\rput[tl](1.4 ,-2.7){$ \alpha $}
\rput[tl](-0.8,0.8){$ \beta $}



\usepackage[flushleft]{paralist}[2013/06/09] % VERY IMPORTANT






% \usepackage{lastpage}
% \usepackage{atenddvi}   %multiple last page
\usepackage[user]{zref} %multiple last page

%% -- compile
\usepackage[pdf]{pstricks}            %% added for pdflatex, use pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
\usepackage[crop=off]{auto-pst-pdf}   %% added for pdflatex, use pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
%% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} %% changes font to sans-serif

    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries 1\quad][10]%
    \filbreak % cool to know
    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries (i)]%
    import markers;
    import geometry;
    import graph;

%%% Document begins %%%



A plane makes an acute angle $\alpha$ with the horizontal. A box in the shape of a cube is fixed  onto  the plane  in such a way that four of its edges are horizontal and two of its sides are vertical.

A uniform rod of length $2L$ and weight $W$ rests  with its lower end at $A$ on the bottom of the box and its upper end at $B$ on a side of the box, as shown in the diagram below.  The vertical plane containing the rod  is parallel to the vertical sides of the box and cuts the lowest edge of the box at $O$. The rod makes an acute angle~$\beta$ with the side of the box at $B$.

The coefficients of friction between the rod and the box at the two points of contact are both $\tan \gamma$, where $0<   \gamma<\frac12\pi$.
%The  frictional force on the rod at $A$ acts toward $O$, 
%and the frictional force on the rod at~$B$
%acts away from $O$.

The rod is in limiting equilibrium, with the end at $A$  on the point of slipping in the direction away from $O$ and the end at $B$ on the point of slipping towards $O$. Given that $\alpha < \beta$, show that $\beta = \alpha + 2\gamma$. 

[{\bf Hint}: You may find it helpful to take moments about the midpoint of 
the rod.]
\newrgbcolor{zzttqq}{0.6 0.2 0}
\newrgbcolor{xdxdff}{0.49 0.49 1}
\psset{xunit=6mm  ,yunit=6mm  }
\psset{xunit=0.8cm,yunit=0.8cm,algebraic=true,dotstyle=o,dotsize=3pt 0,linewidth=0.8pt,arrowsize=3pt 2,arrowinset=0.25}
\psline(-2.54,-3   )(12,-3)
\rput[tl](2.6 ,-2.4 ){$ A $}
\rput[tl](-1.8 ,1.6){$ B $}
\rput[tl](-0.2,-3.15 ){$ O $}
\rput[tl](1.4 ,-2.7){$ \alpha $}
\rput[tl](-0.8,0.8){$ \beta $}




我在 win10 X64 上使用 MiKTeX。我的编辑器是 Notepad++,带有插件 NppExec 来运行编译。我还单独安装了 Ghostscript。

目前,最好的结果是有 PDF 输出,但没有任何图片...那么我该如何解决这个问题呢?


pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex

pdflatex -synctex=1 --enable-write18 $(NAME_PART)
pdflatex -synctex=1 --enable-write18 $(NAME_PART)


对于需要 dvips 的工作流,使用这样的类有点大胆ctexart。该类在任何地方都加载 dvi 模式dvipdfmx驱动程序。

除此之外:preview所使用的包auto-pst-pdf尚未适应 LaTeX 的新 shipout 代码,如果其中一个 shipout 钩子包含它不期望的代码,则很容易失败。



%NEW use dvips driver in dvi mode

\usepackage[flushleft]{paralist}[2013/06/09] % VERY IMPORTANT






% \usepackage{lastpage}
% \usepackage{atenddvi}   %multiple last page
\usepackage[user]{zref} %multiple last page

%% -- compile
%NEW: pdf option not needed.
\usepackage{pstricks}            %% added for pdflatex, use pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
\usepackage[crop=off,cleanup=false]{auto-pst-pdf}   %% added for pdflatex, use pdflatex -shell-escape $(NAME_PART).tex
%% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} %% changes font to sans-serif

    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries 1\quad][10]%
    \filbreak % cool to know
    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries (i)]%
    import markers;
    import geometry;
    import graph;

%NEW avoid clash with hyperref and shipouthook
%%% Document begins %%%



A plane makes an acute angle $\alpha$ with the horizontal. A box in the shape of a cube is fixed  onto  the plane  in such a way that four of its edges are horizontal and two of its sides are vertical.

A uniform rod of length $2L$ and weight $W$ rests  with its lower end at $A$ on the bottom of the box and its upper end at $B$ on a side of the box, as shown in the diagram below.  The vertical plane containing the rod  is parallel to the vertical sides of the box and cuts the lowest edge of the box at $O$. The rod makes an acute angle~$\beta$ with the side of the box at $B$.

The coefficients of friction between the rod and the box at the two points of contact are both $\tan \gamma$, where $0<   \gamma<\frac12\pi$.
%The  frictional force on the rod at $A$ acts toward $O$,
%and the frictional force on the rod at~$B$
%acts away from $O$.

The rod is in limiting equilibrium, with the end at $A$  on the point of slipping in the direction away from $O$ and the end at $B$ on the point of slipping towards $O$. Given that $\alpha < \beta$, show that $\beta = \alpha + 2\gamma$.

[{\bf Hint}: You may find it helpful to take moments about the midpoint of
the rod.]
\newrgbcolor{zzttqq}{0.6 0.2 0}
\newrgbcolor{xdxdff}{0.49 0.49 1}
\psset{xunit=6mm  ,yunit=6mm  }
\psset{xunit=0.8cm,yunit=0.8cm,algebraic=true,dotstyle=o,dotsize=3pt 0,linewidth=0.8pt,arrowsize=3pt 2,arrowinset=0.25}
\psline(-2.54,-3   )(12,-3)
\rput[tl](2.6 ,-2.4 ){$ A $}
\rput[tl](-1.8 ,1.6){$ B $}
\rput[tl](-0.2,-3.15 ){$ O $}
\rput[tl](1.4 ,-2.7){$ \alpha $}
\rput[tl](-0.8,0.8){$ \beta $}


