我在使用 Tikz 包时遇到了一些问题。我的目的是构建一个图表。但是,有些箭头超出了矩形的限制,这让图像变得非常糟糕(下面用红色突出显示)。
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}
\tikzstyle{caixa} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3 cm, minimum height=1.8cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=white, thick, text=black, text opacity=1, fill opacity=0]
\tikzstyle{fantasma} = [rectangle, text centered, draw=white, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{seta} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzstyle{tracejada} = [thick,->,>=stealth, dashed]
\tikzstyle{linha} = [thick,>=stealth]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.5cm, auto, >=latex', scale=1.2\textwidth]
\node (egressos) [caixa, anchor=west, text width=3cm] {\textbf{Egressos do ensino médio de 16--22 anos}};
\node (semchave) [caixa, above of=egressos, text width=3cm, xshift=4cm] {\textbf{Sem chave de identificação}};
\node (comchave) [caixa, below of=egressos, text width=3cm, xshift=4cm] {\textbf{Com chave de identificação}};
\node (semenem) [caixa, above of=comchave, text width=3cm, xshift=4cm] {\textbf{Não participantes do Enem}};
\node (comenem) [caixa, below of=comchave, text width=3cm, xshift=4cm] {\textbf{Participantes do Enem}};
\node (naoingresso) [caixa, right of=semenem, text width=3cm, xshift=2.5cm] {\textbf{Não ingressantes do ensino superior}};
\node (ingresso) [caixa, right of=comenem, text width=3cm, xshift=2.5cm] {\textbf{Ingressantes do ensino superior}};
\node (1) [fantasma, below of=egressos, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 1.754.615};
\node (2) [fantasma, below of=semchave, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 57.386};
\node (3) [fantasma, below of=comchave, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 1.697.229};
\node (4) [fantasma, below of=semenem, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 581.299};
\node (5) [fantasma, below of=comenem, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 1.115.930};
\node (6) [fantasma, below of=naoingresso, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 776.025};
\node (7) [fantasma, below of=ingresso, yshift=1.2cm] {N = 921.204};
\node (8) [fantasma, left=0.1cm of semchave, yshift=2mm] {3,3\%};
\node (9) [fantasma, left=0.1cm of comchave, yshift=-2mm] {96,7\%};
\node (10) [fantasma, left=0.1cm of semenem, yshift=2mm] {34,2\%};
\node (11) [fantasma, left=0.1cm of comenem, yshift=-2mm] {65,8\%};
\node [coordinate] (joint1) [right of=egressos, node distance=2.0cm]{};
\node [coordinate] (joint2) [right of=comchave, node distance=2.0cm, yshift=-0.2mm]{};
\node [coordinate] (joint3) [right of=semenem, node distance=2.1cm]{};
\node [coordinate] (joint4) [right of=comenem, node distance=2.4cm, yshift=-0.39mm]{};
\draw[linha] (egressos) -- (joint1);
\draw[seta] (joint1) |- (semchave);
\draw[seta] (joint1) |- (comchave);
\draw[linha] (comchave.east) -- (joint2);
\draw[seta] (joint2) |- (semenem);
\draw[seta] (joint2) |- (comenem);
\draw[linha] (semenem.east) -- (joint3);
\draw[tracejada] (joint3) |- node[above, very near end] {74,9\%} (naoingresso.155);
\draw[tracejada] (joint3) |- node[above, very near end] {25,1\%} (ingresso.155);
\draw[linha] (comenem.east) -- (joint4);
\draw[seta] (joint4) |- node[below, pos=0.85] {30,6\%} (naoingresso.208);
\draw[seta] (joint4) |- node[below, pos=0.85] {69,4\%} (ingresso.208);
caixa/.style = {shape=rectangle, rounded corners, draw, thick,
minimum height=15mm, text width=28mm,
align=flush center, font=\bfseries},
every label/.style = {font=\small},
el/.style = {font=\small, pos=1, anchor=#1 east},
seta/.style = {thick,-{Stealth[scale=0.8]}},
%\tikzstyle{tracejada} = [thick,->,>=stealth, dashed]
%\tikzstyle{linha} = [thick,>=stealth]
node distance = 4mm and 8mm,
\node (egressos) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 1.754.615$}
] {Egressos do ensino médio de 16--22 anos};
\node (semchave) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 57.386$},
above right=of egressos
] {Sem chave de identificação};
\node (comchave) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 1.697.229$},
below right=of egressos,
] {Com chave de identificação};
\node (semenem) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 581.299$},
above right=of comchave
] {Não participantes do Enem};
\node (comenem) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 581.299$},
below right=of comchave
] {Participantes do Enem};
\node (naoingresso) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 1.115.930$},
right=18mm of semenem
] {Não ingressantes do ensino superior};
\node (ingresso) [caixa,
label=below:{$N = 776.025$},
at={(comenem -| naoingresso)}
] {Ingressantes do ensino superior};
% conection between nodes
\begin{scope}[every path/.append style=seta]
\draw (egressos.east) -- ++ (0.3,0) coordinate (join1)
|- (semchave) node[el=south] {\SI{3.3}{\%}};
\draw (join1.east) |- (comchave) node[el=north] {\SI{96.7}{\%}};
\draw (comchave.east) -- ++ (0.3,0) coordinate (join2)
|- (semenem) node[el=south] {\SI{34.2}{\%}};
\draw (join2.east) |- (comenem) node[el=north] {\SI{65.8}{\%}};
\draw (comenem.east) -- ++ (0.6,0) coordinate (join3)
|- (naoingresso) node[el=north] {\SI{30.6}{\%}};
\draw (join3.east) |- (ingresso) node[el=north] {\SI{69.4}{\%}};
% dashed
\begin{scope}[every path/.append style={seta, dashed},
transform canvas={yshift=2ex}]
\draw (semenem.east) -- ++ (0.3,0) coordinate (join3)
|- (naoingresso) node[el=south] {\SI{74.9}{\%}};
\draw (join3.east) |- (ingresso) node[el=south] {\SI{25.1}{\%}};