在向您展示我的 MWE 之前,我想解释一下我是如何使用词汇表的。除了词汇表条目之外,它还管理我的首字母缩略词。首字母缩略词应包含在论文之前,因此应作为章节打印。这很好。词汇表是附录的一部分。因此它需要成为一个部分。
我在 tex.stackexchange 上找到了一些类似的问题。但这些问题都没有使用以下缩写词: 附录中的词汇表或者词汇表的章节编号。提出的两种解决方案都有一个缺点,那就是我的首字母缩略词也成为一个部分。
\usepackage[twoside, outer=4cm, inner=2cm, bottom=2.5cm, top=3.5cm]{geometry}
%----------------- headers -----------------------------
\ohead{page \pagemark}
\ofoot*{ } % overwrite page number in footer
%---------------- glossary -----------------------------
name=Application Programming Interface,
description={is a particular set of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API}
\newacronym[see={[glossary:]{apig}}]{api}{API}{Application Programming Interface\glsadd{apig}}
%----------------- document -----------------------------
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, title=Table of Acronyms, toctitle=Table of Acronyms]
\acrfull{api} are ... The ... \Gls{apig} is used to ...
\section{a example section}
% ----------------- appendix -----------------------
% change numbering etc. \pagenumbering{Roman}
\printglossary[title=Glossary, toctitle=Glossary]
% following sections are actually included through \include but thats not the issue
\section{first section in appendix}
\section{second section in appendix}
\section{third section in appendix}
我正在使用 pdflatex -> makeglossaries -> pdflatex(如果需要则为 -> pdflatex)生成文档,使用通过 debian 存储库安装的 TexLive 2020.20210202-3。
一个解决方案是创建一个部分 \section{Glossary}
没有标题的内容,并通过本地无效化来抑制他想要开始的新页面 \clearpage
% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex
\usepackage[twoside, outer=4cm, inner=2cm, bottom=2.5cm, top=3.5cm]{geometry}
%----------------- headers -----------------------------
\ohead{page \pagemark}
\ofoot*{ } % overwrite page number in footer
%---------------- glossary -----------------------------
name=Application Programming Interface,
description={is a particular set of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API}
\newacronym[see={[glossary:]{apig}}]{api}{API}{Application Programming Interface\glsadd{apig}}
%----------------- document -----------------------------
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, title=Table of Acronyms, toctitle=Table of Acronyms]
\acrfull{api} are ... The ... \Gls{apig} is used to ...
\section{a example section}
% ----------------- appendix -----------------------
% change numbering etc. \pagenumbering{Roman}
\section{Glossary}% added <<<<<<<<<<
\begingroup % added <<<<<<<<<<<
\renewcommand{\clearpage}{} % clearpage does nothing
\printglossary[title=\normalsize\vspace*{-6\baselineskip}, toctitle=] % changed <<<<<<<<<<<
\lipsum[2-6] % test that pagebreak will work with longer glossaries
% following sections are actually included through \include but thats not the issue
\section{first section in appendix}
\section{second section in appendix}
\section{third section in appendix}
% ...
% ...
% will be printed using \chapter{title}
% ...
% will be printed using \section