

我想将 LaTeX 方程式转换为pdf输出中的图像。经过搜索,我找到了一些可以转换的网站和软件来源个人方程式转换为图像,但如果我可以在整个tex文件上运行这样的转换器并让其自动将方程式转换为图像,那就太好了。手动转换每个方程式并将其作为图像插入文档中非常繁琐。

\subsection{Linear equation through a point given its gradient}
A very simple differential equation is to find a linear equation through a particular point $P(x_i,y_i)$ given its gradient $k_i$ (or more commonly used for lines, its slope).

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C

Plug in the initial conditions to find the particular value of the constant of integration $C$.

这是方程式包含可选文本的默认输出(在 Acrobat Reader 中):

当前 pdf 输出:公式包含文本

但我想知道是否有可能输出一个pdf将方程式转换为这样的图像(在 Acrobat Reader 中):

所需的 PDF 输出:将公式打印为图像



一种可能性是将每个方程式放在一个里面tikzpicture,然后使用tikzexternalize自动将每个方程式转换为 png 并包含该 png,类似于tikz 外部默认使用 png 而不是 pdf。下面的实现需要您\begin{equation}\end{equation}用新命令替换\pngequation

这需要用 进行编译-shell-escape。请注意,创建图像的编译器是硬编码的,在本例中是pdflatex,如果您想要其他编译器,可以对其进行修改。

请注意,这只是一个概念证明。它相当迂回,很可能存在限制、问题和/或副作用,因此不推荐 - 对于大多数用例,会有更简单的解决方案,如评论中所述。



    % Add size information to the .dpth file (png is in density not size)
    /pgf/images/external info,
    % Use the png export AND the import
    use png/.style={png export,png import},
    png export/.style={
        external/system call=%
        {pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource";%
         convert -density 300 -transparent white "\image.pdf" "\image.png"; rm -f "\image.pdf"},
    png import/.code={%
            /pgf/images/include external/.code={%
                % Here you can alter to whatever you want
                % \pgfexternalwidth is only available if /pgf/images/external info
                % is set
\tikzset{use png}
\node (eq) {

\section{Linear equation through a point given its gradient}
A very simple differential equation is to find a linear equation through a particular point $P(x_i,y_i)$ given its gradient $k_i$ (or more commonly used for lines, its slope).

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C

Plug in the initial conditions to find the particular value of the constant of integration $C$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C'






\tikzset{use png}
\ifnum\value{pngsubeq}=0\stepcounter{pngeq}\fi% first subequation, step main counter
\node (eq) {






完整代码,带有 feq 组正规方程和子方程:


    % Add size information to the .dpth file (png is in density not size)
    /pgf/images/external info,
    % Use the png export AND the import
    use png/.style={png export,png import},
    png export/.style={
        external/system call=%
        {pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource";%
         convert -density 300 -transparent white "\image.pdf" "\image.png"; rm -f "\image.pdf"},
    png import/.code={%
            /pgf/images/include external/.code={%
                % Here you can alter to whatever you want
                % \pgfexternalwidth is only available if /pgf/images/external info
                % is set
\tikzset{use png}
\node (eq) {
\tikzset{use png}
\node (eq) {

\section{Linear equation through a point given its gradient}
A very simple differential equation is to find a linear equation through a particular point $P(x_i,y_i)$ given its gradient $k_i$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C

Plug in the initial conditions to find the particular value of the constant of integration $C$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C'

A very simple differential equation is to find a linear equation through a particular point $P(x_i,y_i)$ given its gradient $k_i$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C

Plug in the initial conditions to find the particular value of the constant of integration $C$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C'

A very simple differential equation is to find a linear equation through a particular point $P(x_i,y_i)$ given its gradient $k_i$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C

Plug in the initial conditions to find the particular value of the constant of integration $C$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C'

A very simple differential equation is to find a linear equation through a particular point $P(x_i,y_i)$ given its gradient $k_i$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C

Plug in the initial conditions to find the particular value of the constant of integration $C$.

\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C'

\tikzset{use png}
\node (eq) {
\frac{dy}{dx} = k_i \iff \int dy = \int k_i \cdot dx \iff y = k_i \cdot x + C


