ybar 组合图中图例图像存在问题

ybar 组合图中图例图像存在问题

我对 ybar 组合图中的图例图像有问题。最后一个条目不是虚线。有什么方法可以addlegendimage解决这个问题吗?

        ybar = 0.0cm, %Vzdalenost mezi bary                     
        bar width = 0.28cm, %Sirka baru
        width=\linewidth,           % Scale the plot to \linewidth
        cycle list name=barvyBaru,  % Barevne schema baru
        xlabel=Koncentrace,   % Set the labels
        ylabel=Rozdíl hmot. úbytků,
        y unit=\%, % Procenta na ose Y   
        xtick = {0,1,2,3},
        xticklabels = {0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0},
        x unit=\%, % Stupne celsia na ose X
        legend style={at={(0.95,0.95)},anchor=north east, legend columns = 3}, %Legenda pod grafem
        %nodes near coords,  %Zobrazi hodnoty primo nad sloupcema
        ymin=94, ymax=102, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3.5
        \addplot table[x expr=\coordindex,y=0mes,col sep=comma] {grafy/55_PET_voda_mnozstvi.csv}; 
        \addlegendentry{0 měsíců}
        \addplot table[x expr=\coordindex,y=3mes,col sep=comma] {grafy/55_PET_voda_mnozstvi.csv}; 
        \addlegendentry{3 měsíce}                   
        \addplot table[x expr=\coordindex,y=6mes,col sep=comma] {grafy/55_PET_voda_mnozstvi.csv}; 
        \addlegendentry{6 měsíců}
        \addplot table[x expr=\coordindex,y=9mes,col sep=comma] {grafy/55_PET_voda_mnozstvi.csv}; 
        \addlegendentry{9 měsíců}               
        \addplot table[x expr=\coordindex,y=12mes,col sep=comma] {grafy/55_PET_voda_mnozstvi.csv}; 
        \addlegendentry{12 měsíců}                  
        \addplot table[x expr=\coordindex,y=15mes,col sep=comma] {grafy/55_PET_voda_mnozstvi.csv}; 
        \addlegendentry{15 měsíců}
        \addlegendimage{dashed,line width=1pt, smooth} % Upravi obrazek v legende na caru misto baru
        \addplot[dashed,line width=1pt, smooth] coordinates {(-0.5,95.561) (3.5,95.561)};\label{necol}
        \addlegendentry{půda (bez MP)}      



首先简要说明一下您的示例。虽然添加示例很好,但如果可以在不进行任何修改的情况下进行测试,那总是最好的。在您的示例中,需要添加一个前言,找出units需要的库,删除对barvyBaru(因为您没有提供它的定义,但它也与问题无关),最后删除所有使用数据文件的图(因为也没有提供,并且这些图与问题无关)。有关制作这种最小工作示例 (MWE) 的更多信息,请参阅我刚刚被要求写一个最小工作示例(MWE),那是什么?

\addlegendimage使用 绘制线条时不需要\addplot,因此实际上可以将其完全删除。要修复图例,请添加line legend\addplot选项中。我个人建议使用sharp plot而不是smooth,因为这似乎是从条形图更改为线图的更合适的方法:

     line width=1pt,
     sharp plot, % <-- changes the plot type from a bar plot to a line plot
     line legend % <-- sets the type of legend entry to use
     ] coordinates {(-0.5,95.561) (3.5,95.561)};


        ybar = 0.0cm, %Vzdalenost mezi bary                     
        ymin=94, ymax=102, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3.5
           line width=1pt,
           sharp plot, % <-- changes the plot type from a bar plot to a line plot
           line legend % <-- sets the type of legend entry to use
           ] coordinates {(-0.5,95.561) (3.5,95.561)};\label{necol}
        \addlegendentry{půda (bez MP)}      
