\usepackage{times, pgf,verbatim} % pgf added for the umbc4 sty
basic/.style={draw, text centered},
circ/.style={basic, circle, minimum size=2em, inner sep=1.5pt},
rect/.style={basic, text width=1.5em, text height=1em, text depth=.5em},
1 up 1 down/.style={basic, text width=1.5em, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal=false, rectangle split parts=2},
\frt{tikzpicture example}
\node [rect] (base) {$Y_1$} (0,2.75);
\node [rect, below=of base] (Y2) {$Y_2$};
\node [circ, above left=1cm and 4cm of base] (I) {$X_1$};
\node [circ, below left=1cm and 4cm of base] (T) {$X_5$};
\foreach \i [count=\ino] in {X_2,X_3,X_4,X_5,X_6,X_7,X_8} \node [circ] at ($(I)!\ino/4!(T)$) (\i) {$\i$};
\draw [->,>=Stealth] (X_3) -- (base);
\coordinate (arr) at (base.west);
\foreach \i/\j in {X_2/arr,X_4/arr,X_6/arr,X_7/arr,X_8/arr,I/arr,T/arr} \draw [->,>=Stealth] (\i) -- (\j);
\draw [->,>=Stealth] (T) -- (Y2);
\coordinate (arr) at (Y2.west);
\foreach \i/\j in {X_2/arr,X_3/arr,X_4/arr,X_6/arr,X_7/arr,X_8/arr,I/arr} \draw [->,>=Stealth] (\i) -- (\j);
所以,这很合理,但我希望圆圈实际上是椭圆形。此外,我还希望左侧有一个连接 X_1 和 X_5 的弯曲箭头。我该如何完成这项任务?
\usepackage{times, pgf,verbatim} % pgf added for the umbc4 sty
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}%<-- new library
basic/.style={draw, text centered},
circ/.style={basic, ellipse, minimum height=1em,minimum width=2cm, inner sep=1.5pt},
rect/.style={basic, text width=1.5em, text height=1em, text depth=.5em},% ellipse
1 up 1 down/.style={basic, text width=1.5em, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal=false, rectangle split parts=2},
\frt{tikzpicture example}
\node [rect] (base) {$Y_1$} (0,2.75);
\node [rect, below=of base] (Y2) {$Y_2$};
\node [circ, above left=1cm and 4cm of base,alias=X_1] (I) {$X_1$};%<- add a alias X_1 for I
\node [circ, below left=1cm and 4cm of base,red] (T) {$X_5$};
\foreach \i [count=\ino] in {2,...,8} \node [circ] at ($(I)!\ino/4!(T)$) (X_\i) {$X_\i$};
% \draw [->,>=Stealth] (X_3) -- (base);
% \coordinate (arr) at (base.west);
\foreach \i in {1,...,8}
\draw [->,>=Stealth] (X_\i.0) -- (base.west);
\draw (X_1) to [out=180,in=180](X_5);
% \draw [->,>=Stealth] (X_5) -- (Y2);
% \coordinate (arr) at (Y2.west);
\foreach \i in {1,...,8} \draw [->,>=Stealth] (X_\i.east) -- (Y2.west);