感谢 AJ Physics Studio 频道,全加器
\draw (0,8) node[xor port](xor1){}
(-4.25, 8.25) node[anchor=east] {A} %%input A
(-4.25, 7.75) node[anchor=east] {B} %%input B
(-4, 6.75) node[anchor=east] {$\text{C}_{in}$} %%input C_in
(2, 7.5) node[xor port] (xor2){}
(xor2.out) node[anchor=west] {S}
(2, 5.5) node[and port] (and1){}
(2, 3.5) node[and port] (and2){}
(4, 4.5) node[or port] (or){}
(-4, 8.25) to[short, -*](-3, 8.25)-|(xor1.in 1)
(-4, 7.75) to[short, -*](-2.5, 7.75)-|(xor1.in 2)
(-4, 6.75) to[short, -*](0.6, 6.75)-|(and1.in 1)
(0, 6.75)-|(xor2.in 2)
(0, 8) to[short, -*](0.25, 8)-|(xor2.in 1)
(0.25, 8)--(0.25, 5.25)-|(and1.in 2)
(-3, 8.25)--(-3, 3.25)-|(and2.in 2)
(-2.5, 7.75)--(-2.5, 3.75)-|(and2.in 1)
(and1.out)-|(or.in 1)
(and2.out)-|(or.in 2)
(or.out) node[anchor=west]{$\text{C}_{out}$}
我正在努力做到这一点,但不确定这种方法是否好。我在 Latex 中绘制电路方面还很陌生,我尝试添加非门,如下所示,但仍然令人困惑。
\draw (0,8) node[xor port](xor1){}
(-4.25, 8.25) node[anchor=east] {A} %%input A
(-4.25, 7.75) node[anchor=east] {B} %%input B
(-4, 6.75) node[anchor=east] {$\text{C}_{in}$} %%input C_in
(2, 7.5) node[xor port] (xor2){}
(xor2.out) node[anchor=west] {Q}
(2, 5.5) node[and port] (and1){}
(2, 3.5) node[and port] (and2){}
(4, 4.5) node[or port] (or){}
(-4, 8.25) to[short, -*](-3, 8.25)-|(xor1.in 1)
(-4, 7.75) to[short, -*](-2.5, 7.75)-|(xor1.in 2)
(-4, 6.75) to[short, -*](0.6, 6.75)-|(and1.in 1)
(0, 6.75)-|(xor2.in 2)
(0, 8) to[short, -*](0.25, 8)-|(xor2.in 1)
(-1.5, 3.75) node[not port] (not1){}
(0.25, 8)--(0.25, 5.25)-|(and1.in 2)
(-3, 8.25)--(-3, 3.25)-|(and2.in 2)
(-2.5, 7.75)--(-2.5, 3.75)-|(not1.in 1)
(and1.out)-|(or.in 1)
(and2.out)-|(or.in 2)
(or.out) node[anchor=west]{$\text{C}_{out}$}
\ctikzset{logic ports=ieee}
\begin{circuitikz}[line cap=round,
\draw (0,2) node (A) [xor port, anchor=in 1] {}
(0,0) node (B) [and port, anchor=in 1] {};
\node [notcirc, left] at (B.bin 1) {};
\draw (A.in 1) to [short,-*] ++ (-0.50,0) coordinate (Bin)
|- (B.in 1)
(A.in 2) to [short,-*] ++ (-0.75,0) coordinate (Cin)
|- (B.in 2)
(Bin) to [short] ++ (-0.75,0) node[left] {B}
(Cin) to [short] ++ (-0.50,0) node[left] {C\textsubscript{in}}
(A.out) to [short,*-] ++ (+0.75,0)
node (D) [xor port, anchor=in 2] {}
(D.in 1) to [short,-*] ++ (-0.50,0) coordinate (Din)
|- (Bin |- D.north) -- ++ (-0.75,0) node[left] {A}
(D.in 2) ++ (0,-1) node (E) [and port, anchor=in 1] {}
(D.out) node[right] {D};
\node [notcirc, left] at (E.bin 1) {};
\draw (A.out) |- (E.in 2)(Din) |- (E.in 1)
(E.out |- B.out) node (F) [or port, anchor=in 2] {}
(F.out) node [right] {B\textsubscript{out}}
(B.out) -- (F.in 2)
(E.out) -- (F.in 1);
\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\usetikzlibrary{circuits.logic.US} % TiKZ Library for US Logic Circuits.
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows.meta, calc}
\ctikzset{logic ports=ieee,}
\draw [thick]
(0,0) node [or port](or){}
node [right=2pt of or]{\bfseries $\text{B}_{out}$}
(or) ++(-8,0) node[and port, scale=1.2](andlower){}
(or.in 2) -|(andlower.out)
(or) ++(-3,1) node[and port,scale=1.2](andupper){}
(or.in 1) -| (andupper.out)
(andupper.in 1) ++(-1,0) node[not port](not1){}
(andupper.in 1) -- (not1.out)
(not1) ++(0.5,2) node[xor port](xor1){}
node[right=2pt of xor1]{\bfseries D}
(not1) to [short] ++(-1,0) coordinate(a)
|-(xor1.in 2)
(xor1.in 1) to [short,-*]++(-1,0) coordinate(aux)
-- ++(-6,0) node [left]{\bfseries A}
(andupper.in 2) -| (aux)
(andlower.in 1) ++(-1,0) node[not port](not2){}
(andlower.in 1) -- (not2.out)
(not2) ++(0.5,2) node[xor port](xor2){}
(xor2.in 1) to [short, -*]
++(-0.5,0) coordinate(auxx)
-- ++(-1.5,0) node [left]{\bfseries B}
(not2) -|(auxx)
(xor2.in 2) to [short, -*]++(-1,0) coordinate(auxxx)
-- ++(-1,0) node [left]{\bfseries $\text{B}_{in}$}
(andlower.in 2) -|(auxxx)
(xor2.out) -| coordinate(b)(a)
(xor2.out) to [short,-*](b)