dot/.style={circle,fill, inner sep=1.5pt, outer sep=0pt},
every label/.style={inner sep=0pt}]
(300:\R) \foreach \x in {360,60} { -- (\x:\R) };
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {1,2,3,4,5,6}
\node (n\j) [dot] at (60*\j:\R) {};
\foreach \i in {1,...,6}
\foreach \j in {2,...,6}
\draw (n\i) -- (n\j);
\foreach \j in {\i,...,6}
\draw (n\i) -- (n\j);
\node at (intersection of n2--n6 and n1--n3) (A) {};
很容易理解。您将节点命名为 n1 到 n6,然后将一个名为 A 的节点(不强制命名,但允许您在之后使用它)放在通过节点 n2 和 n6 的线与通过 n1 和 n3 的线的交点处。
我让你完成剩下的部分。请注意,如果你想缩短代码,也可以使用 foreach 循环来完成它们。
dot/.style={black,circle,fill, inner sep=1.5pt, outer sep=0pt,text=white},
innode/.style={inner sep=1.5pt,outer sep=0pt,circle,fill=red},
every label/.style={inner sep=0pt}]
\draw[cyan,line width=1pt] (0:\R) \foreach \x [count=\i] in {60,120,...,360} { -- (\x:\R) node[dot] (n\i) {} };
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\foreach \i in {1,...,6}
\ifnum\i=1 % Part with \if is useless here, but anyway
\foreach \j in {2,...,6}
\draw (n\i.center) -- (n\j.center);
\foreach \j in {\i,...,6}
\draw (n\i.center) -- (n\j.center);
\node[innode] at (intersection of n2--n6 and n1--n3) (A) {};
\node[innode] at (intersection of n2--n5 and n1--n3) (B) {};
path h;
h = for t=0 upto 5: 72 dir 60t -- endfor cycle;
z0 = whatever[point 0 of h, point 2 of h] = whatever[point 1 of h, point 5 of h];
z1 = whatever[point 0 of h, point 2 of h] = whatever[point 1 of h, point 3 of h];
z2 = whatever[point 5 of h, point 2 of h] = whatever[point 1 of h, point 3 of h];
z3 = whatever[point 5 of h, point 3 of h] = whatever[point 2 of h, point 4 of h];
z4 = whatever[point 5 of h, point 3 of h] = whatever[point 0 of h, point 4 of h];
z5 = whatever[point 5 of h, point 2 of h] = whatever[point 0 of h, point 4 of h];
draw h withpen pencircle scaled 3 withcolor 3/4[blue, white];
for i=0 upto 5:
for j=i+1 upto 5:
draw point i of h -- point j of h;
for i=0 upto 5:
drawdot point i of h withpen pencircle scaled 5;
drawdot z[i] withpen pencircle scaled 5 withcolor 2/3 red;
,因此用 进行编译lualatex