



\newcommand{\tmb}[3]{\underset{{\scriptscriptstyle #3}}{\overset{{\scriptscriptstyle #1}}{#2}}}% *t*op, *m*iddle, *b*ottom command
\newcommand{\trialone}[3]{\underset{{\scriptscriptstyle\raisebox{2mm}{#3}}}{\overset{{\scriptscriptstyle #1}}{#2}}}
\newcommand{\trialtwo}[3]{\underset{{\raisebox{2mm}{\tiny #3}}}{\overset{\scriptscriptstyle #1}{#2}}}
\newcommand{\mystack}[3]{\substack{#1\\{\textstyle #2}\\[-0.3mm]#3}}

\item LHS $\tmb{\text{approx.}}{\to}{\text{$n$ large}}$ RHS. Here you see too much vertical space for what's below the arrow.
\item LHS $\tmb{\text{approx.}}{\sim}{\text{$n$ large}}$ RHS. Here you also see too much vertical space for what's below the tilde.
\item LHS $\trialone{\text{approx.}}{\sim}{\text{$n$ large}}$ RHS. Font size not respected.
\item LHS $\trialtwo{\text{approx.}}{\sim}{\text{$n$ large}}$ RHS. Fails if the
  command contains scriptscriptstyle instead of tiny. Still, the raisebox
  command does not seem to work.
\item LHS $\mystack{\text{approx.}}{\sim}{\text{$n$ large}}$ RHS. Looks okay, but the tilde and other middle symbols are not vertically aligned correctly, see
    \frac{A}{B} \mystack{\text{approx.}}{\to}{\text{$n$ large}} \frac{C}{D} \quad\text{versus}\quad \frac{A}{B}\tmb{\text{approx.}}{\to}{\text{$n$ large}} \frac{C}{D}.
  We see that the arrow on the left is vertically not aligned with the division bars of the two fractions. Also, there is not sufficient space around the command. None of these problems appears on the right (there is only too much vertical space between the arrow and the ``$n$ large''.


困难的部分是保持与中间符号相关的基线。这可以通过\vbox在上面部分排版 a 来实现,而在下面部分排版 a \vtop





\tmb{\text{approx.}}{\to}{n\text{ large}}
\tmb{\text{approx.}}{\sim}{n\text{ large}}


