


到目前为止我已经得到了这个。 在此处输入图片描述

右侧框中的文本只有 3 行,这很奇怪。我尝试增加文本宽度选项。但是这不是一个好选择,左侧框也变得很大,这是我不想要的。


      basic/.style  = {draw, text width=2cm, drop shadow, font=\sffamily, rectangle},
      root/.style   = {basic, rounded corners=2pt, thin, align=center, fill=white},
      level-2/.style = {basic, rounded corners=3pt, thin,align=left, fill=white, text width=7cm},
      level-3/.style = {basic, thin, align=center, fill=white, text width=1.8cm}
      level 1/.style={sibling distance=30em, level distance=5em},
    %   {edge from parent fork down},
      edge from parent/.style={->,solid,black,thick,sloped,draw}, 
      edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- (\tikzchildnode.north)},
      >=latex, node distance=1.2cm, edge from parent fork down]
      \node[root] (A) at (0,2)  {$AX=0$};
      \draw[->] (A) to (0,.3);
     \node[root] {\textbf{Always consistent}} 
      child {node[level-2] (c1) {\textbf{rank $A=n$} \\ \textbf{Unique Solution $X=0$}}}
      child {node[level-2] (c1) {\textbf{rank $A<n$} \\ \textbf{Infinitely many Solutions \\ $n-r$ arbitrary parameters in solution}}}



树 v01





\tikzstyle{orangenode}=[draw=black,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm,fill=myorange]
\tikzstyle{bluenode}=[draw=black,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm,fill=myblue]

        %first system
        %draw nodes
        \node(a0) [orangenode] at (0,0) {$ \mathbf{AX=0} $};
        \node(a1) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (a0.south) - (0,1) $) {always consistent};
        \node(a21) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (a1.south west) - (1,1) $) {\makecell[l]{Unique solution: $ \mathbf{X=0} $ \\ $ \mathrm{rank(\textbf{A})=n} $}};
        \node(a22) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (a1.south east) + (1,-1) $) {\makecell[l]{Infinity of solutions: $ \mathbf{X=0} $ \\ $ \mathrm{rank(\textbf{A})<n} $ \\ $ \mathrm{n-r} $ arabitrary \\ parameters in solution}};
        %draw arrows
        \draw[-stealth] (a0.south) -- (a1.north);
        \draw[-stealth] (a1.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm);
        \draw[-stealth] (a1.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm) -| (a21.north);
        \draw[-stealth] (a1.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm) -| (a22.north);
        %second system
        %draw nodes
        \node(b0) [orangenode,anchor=north] at ($ (a22.south)!0.5!(a21.south) - (0,1.5)$) {$ \mathbf{AX=B, B \neq 0} $};
        \node(b11) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (b0.south west) - (1,1) $) {\makecell[l]{Consistent: \\ $ \mathrm{rank(\textbf{A})=rank(\textbf{A|B})} $}};
        \node(b12) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (b0.south east) + (1,-1) $) {\makecell[l]{Inconsistent: \\ $ \mathrm{rank(\textbf{A})<rank(\textbf{A|B})} $}};
        \node(b21) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (b11.south west) - (1,1) $) {\makecell[l]{Unique Solution: \\ $ \mathrm{rank(\textbf{A})=n} $}};
        \node(b22) [bluenode,anchor=north] at ($ (b11.south east) + (1,-1) $) {\makecell[l]{Infinity of Solutions: \\ $ \mathrm{rank(\textbf{A})<n,} $ \\ $ \mathrm{n-r} $ arbitrary \\  parameters in solution}};
        %draw arrows
        \draw[-stealth] (b0.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm);
        \draw[-stealth] (b0.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm) -| (b11.north);
        \draw[-stealth] (b0.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm) -| (b12.north);
        \draw[-stealth] (b11.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm);
        \draw[-stealth] (b11.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm) -| (b21.north);
        \draw[-stealth] (b11.south) --++ (0,-0.5cm) -| (b22.north);


编辑: 添加了第二棵树形图的代码,数学运算符“rank”的定义,稍微改进了代码。


\documentclass[border=10pt, preview]{standalone}
\usepackage{mathtools}            % <---
\DeclareMathOperator{\rank}{rank} % <---

for tree = {
% nodes
    draw, semithick,% rounded corners,
    minimum width = 4em, 
if level = 0{fill=orange!30}{fill = teal!30, text width=34mm},
    drop shadow,
    font = \sffamily\small\linespread{0.84}\selectfont,
% tree
     grow = south,
   anchor = north,
    forked edge,        % for forked edge
    edge  = {-Stealth},
    s sep = 2mm,    % sibling distance
    l sep = 8mm,    % level distance
 fork sep = 4mm,    % distance from parent to branching point
    [Always consistent
        [{$\rank(\mathbf{A})=n$}    \\  \smallskip
         Unique Solution {$X=0$}]
        [{$\rank(\mathbf{A})<n$}    \\  \smallskip
         {Infinitely many Solutions,} 
         $n-r$ arbitrary parameters 
         in solution]

for tree = {
% nodes
    draw, semithick,% rounded corners,
    minimum width = 4em,
if level = 0{fill=orange!30}{fill = teal!30, text width=36mm},
    drop shadow,
    font = \sffamily\small\linespread{0.84}\selectfont,
% tree
     grow = south,
   anchor = north,
    forked edge,        % for forked edge
    edge  = {-Stealth},
    s sep = 2mm,    % sibling distance
    l sep = 8mm,    % level distance
 fork sep = 4mm,    % distance from parent to branching point
[$\mathbf{AX=B, B \neq 0}$;
    [Consistent: \\ 
            [Unique Solution: \\ 
            [Infinity of Solutions: \\
             {$\rank(\mathbf{A})<n$,} \\ 
             $n-r$ arbitrary parameters in solution]
    [Inconsistent: \\ 




      basic/.style  = {draw, text width=2cm, drop shadow, font=\sffamily, rectangle},
      root/.style   = {basic, rounded corners=2pt, thin, align=center, fill=white},
      level-2/.style = {basic, rounded corners=3pt, thin,align=left, fill=white, text width=7cm},
      level-3/.style = {basic, thin, align=center, fill=white, text width=1.8cm}
      level 1/.style={sibling distance=30em, level distance=5em},
    %   {edge from parent fork down},
      edge from parent/.style={->,solid,black,thick,sloped,draw}, 
      edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- (\tikzchildnode.north)},
      >=latex, node distance=1.2cm, edge from parent fork down]
      \node[root] (A) at (0,2)  {$AX=0$};
      \draw[->] (A) to (0,.3);
     \node[root] {\textbf{Always consistent}} 
      child {node[level-2] (c1) {\textbf{rank $A=n$} \\ \textbf{Unique Solution $X=0$}}}
      child {node[level-2,yshift=-6pt] (c1) {\textbf{rank $A<n$} \\ \textbf{Infinitely many Solutions \\ $n-r$ arbitrary parameters in solution}}};



我尝试用简单的代码给出我自己的说明。rank A左侧和右侧的文本水平对齐。


\path[nodes={draw,minimum width=4.5cm}]
(0,0) node[fill=yellow!50,minimum height=12mm,align=center] (H) {$\mathbf{Ax=0}$\\[1mm]$\mathbf{A}=m\times n, m\leqslant n, \mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^n$}
++(0,-\b) node[fill=cyan!50,minimum height=8mm] (H1){Always consistent}
+(\a,-1.5*\b) node[fill=cyan!50,minimum height=22mm] (H2r){}
+(-\a,-1.5*\b) node[fill=cyan!50,minimum height=22mm] (H2l){}
(H2r.north) node[below=1mm,align=left]{
    Infinitely many Solutions\\[2mm] 
    $n-r$ arbitrary\\ 
    parameters in solutions}
(H2l.north) node[below=1mm,align=left]{
    Unique Solution\\[2mm] 

\draw[->] (H)--(H1); 
\draw[->] (H1)--++(0,-1)-|(H2r);
\draw[->] (H1)--++(0,-1)-|(H2l);
