如何使用 sftp 获取目录及其所有内容?

如何使用 sftp 获取目录及其所有内容?

当我尝试使用 sftp 中的命令时get,收到错误消息,指出它不是普通文件。有没有解决的办法?


您可以使用目录连接到sftp -r主机get。如果连接时忘记使用-r,可以使用get -r.

sftp -r me@somehost


sftp> get -r tmp/
Fetching /home/me/tmp/ to tmp
Retrieving /home/me/tmp
/home/me/new.orig.dmp            100%  417KB 416.8KB/s   00:00    
/home/me/untangle.dmp        100%  398KB 398.3KB/s   00:00    
/home/me/repos.orig.dmp          100%  415KB 415.2KB/s   00:00    
/home/me/me-untangle.dmp 100%   32KB  32.4KB/s   00:00    


alias sftp="sftp -r"

man 1 sftp

 -r      Recursively copy entire directories when uploading and download‐
         ing.  Note that sftp does not follow symbolic links encountered
         in the tree traversal.

 get [-Ppr] remote-path [local-path]
         If either the -P or -p flag is specified, then full file permis‐
         sions and access times are copied too.
         If the -r flag is specified then directories will be copied
         recursively.  Note that sftp does not follow symbolic links when
         performing recursive transfers.
