\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X X X} \toprule
Theory & Hypothesis & Major characteristics & References \\ \hline
\multirow{3}{*}{Tax- Smoothing} & \multirow{2}{*}{\hsize}{When the government raises revenue, there is a deadweight loss in the economy} & Unanticipated fiscal needs & Barro, 1979 \\
& & Anticipated fiscal needs & Lucas Stokey, 1983 \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Safe asset provision} & \multirow{3}{*}{\hsize}{Companies and families are financially constrained and cannot operate in the credit market as freely as government} & Financial constraints & Woodford, 1990 \\
& & Precautionary private savings & Ayigari McGrattan, 1998 Holmström Tirole, 1998 \\
& & Global capital flows and interest rates & Aizenman Marion, 2011 \\
\multirow{2}{*}{Dynamic Efficiency} & \multirow{2}{*}{\hsize}{Private sector does not internalize fiscal policies’ consequences infinitely into the future and beyond} & \multirow{2}{*}{\hsize}{Dynamic inefficiencies in the economy and over accumulated capital can lead to an optimal increase in government debt} & Diamond, 1965 \\
& & & Blanchard, 1985 \\
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l p{4cm} X X}
Theory & Hypothesis & Major characteristics & References \\ \midrule
\multirow{4}{*}{Tax- Smoothing} & \multirow{4}{=}{When the government raises revenue, there is a deadweight loss in the economy} & Unanticipated fiscal needs & Barro, 1979 \\
& & Anticipated fiscal needs & Lucas Stokey, 1983 \\
\multirow{7}{*}{Safe asset provision} & \multirow{7}{=}{Companies and families are financially constrained and cannot operate in the credit market as freely as government} & Financial constraints & Woodford, 1990 \\
& & Precautionary private savings & Ayigari McGrattan, 1998 Holmström Tirole, 1998 \\
& & Global capital flows and interest rates & Aizenman Marion, 2011 \\
\multirow{8}{*}{Dynamic Efficiency} & \multirow{8}{=}{Private sector does not internalize fiscal policies’ consequences infinitely into the future and beyond} & Dynamic inefficiencies in the economy and over accumulated capital can lead to an optimal increase in government debt & Diamond, 1965 \\
& & & Blanchard, 1985 \\
和 top 对齐而不是垂直居中条目看起来会好得多,但是......
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{2cm} X l}
Theory & Hypothesis &
Major characteristics & References
\end{tabular} \\
Tax-\newline Smoothing &
When the government raises revenue, there is a deadweight loss in the economy&
Unanticipated fiscal needs & Barro, 1979\\
Anticipated fiscal needs & Lucas Stokey, 1983
\end{tabular} \\
Safe asset\newline provision &
Companies and families are financially constrained and cannot operate in the credit market as freely as government &
Financial constraints & Woodford, 1990 \\
Precautionary private savings & Ayigari McGrattan, 1998 Holmström Tirole, 1998 \\
Global capital flows and interest rates & Aizenman Marion, 2011
\end{tabular} \\
Dynamic\newline Efficiency &
Private sector does not internalize fiscal policies’ consequences infinitely into the future and beyond &
Dynamic inefficiencies in the economy and over accumulated capital can lead to an optimal increase in government debt
& Diamond, 1965 \\
& Blanchard, 1985