段落在 \institute 完成之前结束。——无法修复

段落在 \institute 完成之前结束。——无法修复

我在编译以下代码时遇到此错误。此外,\maketitle 不起作用。

失控的论点?{ \at \textsuperscript {1,3}计算科学系!段落在 \institute 完成之前结束。


%Table packages
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% Insert the name of "your journal" with

\title{Some Title}

\author{Author1\textsuperscript{1}\and \textsuperscript{\Letter}~Author2\textsuperscript{2}\and Author3\textsuperscript{3}
\institute{ \at
             \textsuperscript{1,3}Department of Computational Science
           \textsuperscript{\Letter}~Corresponding author\\
              \textsuperscript{2}Department of Computer Science \& Engineering
              \email{[email protected]}
% The correct dates will be entered by the editor
To be written later.
\keywords{keywords \and keywords \and keywords \and keywords \and keywords \and keywords}

% Authors must disclose all relationships or interests that
% could have direct or potential influence or impart bias on
% the work:
\section*{Conflict of interest}
 The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


为了使\maketitle工作能够添加\usepackage[misc]{ifsym}到您的 MWE 中以供标志使用\Letter


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\usepackage[misc]{ifsym}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

% Insert the name of "your journal" with

\title{Some Title}

\author{Author1\textsuperscript{1}\and \textsuperscript{\Letter}~Author2\textsuperscript{2}\and Author3\textsuperscript{3}

    \textsuperscript{1,3}Department of Computational Science
    \at \textsuperscript{\Letter}~Corresponding author\\
    \textsuperscript{2}Department of Computer Science \& Engineering
    \email{[email protected]} 


        To be written later.
        \keywords{keywords \and keywords \and keywords \and keywords \and keywords \and keywords}
    % Authors must disclose all relationships or interests that
    % could have direct or potential influence or impart bias on
    % the work:
    \section*{Conflict of interest}
    The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
