如何使用 Tikz 或 pgfPlots 显示 Ogive Curve 上的中位数

如何使用 Tikz 或 pgfPlots 显示 Ogive Curve 上的中位数

我要绘制一条弹头曲线,并通过绘制一条与 x 轴平行、偏移 55 个单位的虚线,然后从交点绘制一条与 x 轴垂直的线来找到给定数据的中值。


如下图所示: 在此处输入图片描述



\pgfplotsset{compat=1.16}% 1.16 would be better
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, positioning, calc, math}

    {\bf Question:}\\
    Construct less than cumulative frequency table \& draw the Ogive for the data given below.\\
    \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
    {\bf Marks}     & 1-10  & 10-20 & 20-30 & 30-40 & 40-50 & 50-60 & 60-70 & 70-80 & 80-90 & 90-100\\ \hline
    {\bf Students}  & 3     & 4     & 12    & 18    & 20    & 25    & 12    & 8     & 6     & 2     \\ \hline

    {\bf Solution:}
        \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline
            {\bf Data($<$UL)} & {\bf Freq(f)} & {\bf CF}\\ \hline
            10  & 3     & 3     \\ \hline
            20  & 4     & 7     \\ \hline
            30  & 12    & 19    \\ \hline
            40  & 18    & 37    \\ \hline
            50  & 20    & 57    \\ \hline
            60  & 25    & 82    \\ \hline
            70  & 12    & 94    \\ \hline
            80  & 8     & 102   \\ \hline
            90  & 6     & 108   \\ \hline
            100 & 2     & 110   \\ \hline

        {\bf Less-than type Cummulative Frequency Distribution Table}

    As the last CF entry is 110. Hence,\vspace*{-0.5cm}
        n &= 110 \\
        \therefore \dfrac{n}{2} &= \dfrac{110}{2} \\
        \dfrac{n}{2} &= 55 \\

                    axis lines=left, thick, grid=both,
                        width=0.8\textwidth, height=0.8\textwidth,
                        xmin=0,xmax=110, ymin=0,ymax=130, y=0.06cm,
                        xlabel={Upper Limits}, ylabel={Cumulative Frequency}

                    \addplot[color = black,smooth,very thick,mark=*,name path=h1] coordinates {

                    \legend{Less-Than type Ogive Curve}

            \caption{Less-Than type Ogive Curve.}


Tikz:使用 let 命令显示节点坐标
Tikz 和 pgfplots 中的交叉点
在 pgfplots 中标记两条曲线的交点


先说无关紧要的事情:\bf我认为自 90 年代以来就已被弃用,建议改用\bfseries\textbf{..}。通常,定义一些语义标记可能也更好,而不是所有手动格式化、换行符等,但我没有对此做任何事情。回到手头的问题。

一种方法是先\path在 y = 55 处创建一个,然后使用intersections您已加载的库来查找该路径与图的交点。要获取交点的值,您可以使用\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates(参见https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/537916)。



\pgfplotsset{compat=1.16}% 1.16 would be better
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, positioning, calc, math}



                    axis lines=left, thick, grid=both,
                        width=0.8\textwidth, height=0.8\textwidth,
                        xmin=0,xmax=110, ymin=0,ymax=130, y=0.06cm,
                        xlabel={Upper Limits}, ylabel={Cumulative Frequency}

                    \addplot[color = black,smooth,very thick,mark=*,name path=h1] coordinates {

                    \legend{Less-Than type Ogive Curve}
                    % first draw invisible path at y==55
                    \path [name path=y55] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin},\nhalf) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax}, \nhalf);
                    % then use the intersections library to calculate the intersection
                    % of that line and the plot
                    % draw dashed line via the calculated intersection
                    \draw [dashed, name intersections={of=h1 and y55, by={m}}] (0, \nhalf) -- (m) -- (m|- 0,0);
                    % after \pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(m)} the x- and y-values are available 
                    % with e.g. \pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}
                    \node [below right, red] at (m) {%
                        (\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=0]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}},
                         \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y}})

                    \draw [green, shorten <=3pt] (0,\nhalf) to[bend left] ++(1cm, 1cm) node[right] {$\frac{n}{2} = \nhalf$};
                    \draw [green, shorten <=3pt] (m|-0,0) -- ++(1cm, 1cm) node[right] {%
                    $\text{median} = \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=0]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}}$};



