我尝试用 Feynmf 排版以下企鹅图
\fmf{fermion, tension=.2}{i3,v3}
\fmf{photon, tension=.2}{v3,v4}
\fmf{fermion, tension=.2}{v4,o3}
\fmf{fermion, right=.5, tension=3}{v3,v1}
\fmf{fermion, right=.3, tension=3}{v1,v2,v4}
\fmf{gluon, tension=3}{v1,v0}
\fmf{gluon, tension=3}{v2,v5}
我使用的主要技巧是绘制基本形状而不使用幻影线连接各个部分,然后使用 metapost 命令提取线条的各个部分,然后使用即时模式绘制线条的这些部分。
对于 blob,我使用您在问题中链接的页面中的代码。具体来说,我将以下内容放在文档的标题中。
vardef vovalblob (expr bd, a) (text vl)=
forsuffixes $=vl:
if not vexists $: venter $; fi
vlist[vlookup $]decor.shape := fullcircle xscaled a;
vlist[vlookup $]decor.size := bd;
vlist[vlookup $]decor.sty := "shaded";
\def\fmfovalblob#1#2#3{\fmfcmd{input vovalblob; vovalblob ((#1), (#2), \fmfpfx{#3});}}
,其中 HEIGHT 是高度(使用 w 或 h 分别指定大小为图像宽度或高度的分数),WIDTHSCALE 是斑点的宽度是高度的倍数,LOCATION 是设置顶点位置的顶点。
\fmfstraight % need straight edges for the blobs to look right.
% bottom line
% top line
\fmf{fermion, tension=.2}{i3,v3}
\fmf{photon, tension=.2}{v3,v4}
\fmf{fermion, tension=.2}{v4,o3}
% top fermion loop - draw later as it will need splitting into bit.
\fmf{phantom, tension=0, right=1}{v3,v4}
% bottom inner fermion line on the right hand side
\fmf{fermion, tension=7}{o1,v1}
% top inner fermion line on the right hand side
\fmf{fermion, tension=7}{v2,o2}
% side fermion loop - draw later as it will need splitting into bits
% centers of the blobs on the right hand side.
\fmf{phantom, tension=1}{o0,o5,o1}
\fmf{phantom, tension=1}{o2,o6,o3}
\fmffreeze % Do layout now. All later stuff using pre-calculated points.
% Declare and set the two fermion loops.
% declare and set the points part way along the fermion loops.
\fmfiset{j1}{point length(p1)/2 of p1}
\fmfiset{j2}{point 3length(p1)/4 of p1}
\fmfiset{j3}{point length(p2)/2 of p2}
%draw in the fermion loops but in pieces so we get correct arrows.
\fmfi{fermion}{subpath (0, length(p1)/4) of p2}
\fmfi{fermion}{subpath (length(p1)/2,length(p1)) of p2}
\fmfi{fermion}{subpath (0, length(p1)/2) of p1}
\fmfi{fermion}{subpath (length(p1)/2, 3length(p1)/4) of p1}
\fmfi{fermion}{subpath (3length(p1)/4,length(p1)) of p1}
% draw the gluons using the calculated points.
\fmfi{gluon}{j1 -- vloc(__v0)}
\fmfi{gluon}{j2 -- j3}
%a dd the blobs