重新安装 MacTeX 和 TeXMaker 后,之前可以使用的 LaTeX 代码停止工作

重新安装 MacTeX 和 TeXMaker 后,之前可以使用的 LaTeX 代码停止工作

我最近“刷新”了我的计算机,并且必须重新安装 MacTeX 和 TeXMaker。当我尝试编译特定文件时,它显示:Argument of \put has an extra }

如果我完全删除前后所有内容,\begin{document}\end{document}就会编译,但只要我把任何东西放在那里,我就会收到错误。我很确定我没有正确配置 TeXMaker,但我不知道该怎么做。任何建议。


    \documentclass[twoside, 10pt]{article}

\RequirePackage{latexsym, verbatim, xspace, setspace}
\RequirePackage{tikz, pgflibraryplotmarks}
\usepackage[ascii, latin1]{inputenc}

\usepackage[caption = false]{subfig}
\input pictex

%*****************************Print Margin Notes************************
%option 0: do not print margin notes
%option 1: print margin notes

\usepackage[width = 6.9in, left = 0.85in, top = 0.47in, bottom = 0in, right = .75in]{geometry}

 % {\par\nobreak\vfil\penalty0\vfilneg
  % \vtop\bgroup}



%*******************************include the preamble here******************************

\lhead{\bf Math 3 \hspace{.1in} 2021 - 2022}
\rhead{\bf Name: \hspace{1.5 in}\ \ }
%\lfoot{\eightrm June 15, 2015}
%\lfoot{\eightrm  \today}
\lfoot{\eightrm }
\rfoot{\eightrm }
\cfoot{ }


%****************************Choose what to print**********************************
%the problems, put #1 in the braces
%the answers, put #1 in the braces
%the commentary, put #1 in the braces


\newcommand{\Cdot}{\raisebox{1 pt}{\scalebox{.5}{$\bullet$}}}

%*************************print only the answers in groups of 10**********************
%   \addtocounter{anscounter}{1}
%   \pgfmathparse{mod(\value{anscounter},10)}
%   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\myint}{ \pgfmathresult}
%   \ifnum \myint=1 \filbreak\par\indent\rlap \fi
%   %{\textbf{\arabic{probcounter}}.}\hskip 1pt~#1
%   {\textbf{\arabic{probcounter}}.}~#1
%   \ifnum \myint=0 \vskip .25in \fi

%KW shorcuts
% These are not needed, for now:
% \newcommand*\MY@leftharpoondownfill@{%
%   \arrowfill@\lefttharpoondown\relbar\relbar
% }
% \newcommand*\MY@rightharpoondownfill@{%
%   \arrowfill@\relbar\relbar\rightharpoondown
% }

% Support for smaller size arrows:
    % Works like "\mathpalette", but macro passed in #1 must take
    % (at least) three arguments, of which the first _two_ are
    % style selections.
        {#1\displaystyle       \scriptstyle       {#2}}%
        {#1\textstyle          \scriptstyle       {#2}}%
        {#1\scriptstyle        \scriptscriptstyle {#2}}%
        {#1\scriptscriptstyle  \scriptscriptstyle {#2}}%
    % #1 := stretchable covering arrow
    % #2 := base style
    % #3 := style for covering arrow
    % #4 := base symbol
        $\m@th\hfil #2#4\hfil$\crcr


%\begin{textblock*}{5.15in}(0in, -0.05in) \label{prob40_0001} \input{prob_files/prob40_0001.tex} \end{textblock*} 



\documentclass[twoside, 10pt]{article}

\RequirePackage{latexsym, verbatim, xspace, setspace}
\RequirePackage{tikz, pgflibraryplotmarks}
%%%NO! \usepackage{etex}
%%%NO! \usepackage[ascii, latin1]{inputenc}
% I wouldn't \usepackage{commath}

\usepackage[caption = false]{subfig}
%%%NO! \input pictex
% I don't have this file \input{norm_background_files/rlpmacros}
%%%NO! \font\ninerm=cmr9
%%%NO! \font\ninei=cmmi9
%%%NO! \font\nines=cmsy9
%%%NO! \font\eightrm=cmr8
%%%NO! \font\eighti=cmmi8
%%%NO! \font\eights=cmsy8

%*****************************Print Margin Notes************************
%option 0: do not print margin notes
%option 1: print margin notes

\usepackage[width = 6.9in, left = 0.85in, top = 0.47in, bottom = 0in, right = .75in]{geometry}
\setlength\parindent{0pt}% You already did this above

 % {\par\nobreak\vfil\penalty0\vfilneg
  % \vtop\bgroup}



%*******************************include the preamble here******************************

\lhead{\bfseries Math 3 \hspace{.1in} 2021 - 2022} % \bfseries \bf has not been defined by default on latex for 30 years
\rhead{\bfseries Name: \hspace{1.5 in}\ \ }
%\lfoot{\eightrm June 15, 2015}
%\lfoot{\eightrm  \today}
\lfoot{\footnotesize }% latex font commands
\rfoot{\footnotesize }% although the font is irrelevant since there is no text.
\cfoot{ }

%%%NO! \noindent

%****************************Choose what to print**********************************
%the problems, put #1 in the braces
%the answers, put #1 in the braces
%the commentary, put #1 in the braces


\newcommand{\Cdot}{\raisebox{1 pt}{\scalebox{.5}{$\bullet$}}}
\newcommand{\p}{^\prime}% why? it is simplet to use '


%*************************print only the answers in groups of 10**********************
%   \addtocounter{anscounter}{1}
%   \pgfmathparse{mod(\value{anscounter},10)}
%   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\myint}{ \pgfmathresult}
%   \ifnum \myint=1 \filbreak\par\indent\rlap \fi
%   %{\textbf{\arabic{probcounter}}.}\hskip 1pt~#1
%   {\textbf{\arabic{probcounter}}.}~#1
%   \ifnum \myint=0 \vskip .25in \fi

%KW shorcuts
% These are not needed, for now:
% \newcommand*\MY@leftharpoondownfill@{%
%   \arrowfill@\lefttharpoondown\relbar\relbar
% }
% \newcommand*\MY@rightharpoondownfill@{%
%   \arrowfill@\relbar\relbar\rightharpoondown
% }

% Support for smaller size arrows:
    % Works like "\mathpalette", but macro passed in #1 must take
    % (at least) three arguments, of which the first _two_ are
    % style selections.
        {#1\displaystyle       \scriptstyle       {#2}}%
        {#1\textstyle          \scriptstyle       {#2}}%
        {#1\scriptstyle        \scriptscriptstyle {#2}}%
        {#1\scriptscriptstyle  \scriptscriptstyle {#2}}%
    % #1 := stretchable covering arrow
    % #2 := base style
    % #3 := style for covering arrow
    % #4 := base symbol
        $\m@th\hfil #2#4\hfil$\crcr


%\begin{textblock*}{5.15in}(0in, -0.05in) \label{prob40_0001} \input{prob_files/prob40_0001.tex} \end{textblock*} 


