

我的论文出了点小问题。这是我第一次使用 latex,表格有点问题。我创建了下面的表格

\caption{Mobile apps categories with some exemplary apps}
\label{table:1} %% \ref{table:1} pour la ref
\begin{tabular}{||c l l c l l||}
\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Category} & \textbf{Examples of apps} & \textbf{No.} & \textbf{Category} & 
\textbf{Examples of apps} \\ [0.5ex]
1 & Calendar & Calendar & 13 & Weather & Weather \\  \hline
2 & Communication & Messenger, WhatsApp, TrueCaller & 14 & Games & Texas Poker, Quick ball, Ludo King 
\\ \hline
3 & Video Players and Editors & YouTube, HUAWEI Video & 15 & Music and Audio & Musique, Shazam, 
 spotify \\ \hline
4 & Clock & Clock, Horloge, Alarme & 16 & Entertainment & Netflix \\  \hline
5 & Sytem Tool & Setting, Calculatrice & 17 & Education & Google Translate  \\ \hline
6 & Health and fitness & Health, SmokeCount & 18 & Personnalisation & Theme, Wallpapers \\ \hline
7 & Phone and SMS  & Contacts, Dialler, Messages & 19 & Sports & beIN sport, Live Football Scores\\ 
 8 & Social Media & Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & 20 & News and Magazines & Google Podcast, Opera 
 News\\ \hline
 9 & Photography & Camera, Gallery & 21 & Shopping & IKEA\\ \hline
 10 & Lifestyle & Tinder, Jumia & 22 & Finance &  STB, CIC, Boursorama Banque\\ \hline
 11 & Maps and Navigation & Google Maps, Bolt & 23 & Productivity & PDF reader, Notepad, Docs\\ \ \ v 
 12 & Travel and Local & Kayak, Booking.com &    &    &   \\%%[1ex]

在此处输入图片描述 非常感谢您的帮助。


最近我发现了这个tabularray包...为了练习,让我展示两种使用这个多功能包进行表格设置的解决方案。第一个在横向页面上显示表格,第二个显示重新设计的表格,可以轻松适应纵向页面。两者都使用标准字体大小 10pt,但是如果需要,第二个也可以使用 11pt 或 12pt,并且在删除包时也可以适应页面geometry


\usepackage{pdflscape}  % landscape


\caption{Mobile apps categories with some exemplary apps}
\label{table:1} %% \ref{table:1} pour la ref
                 colspec={c ll c ll},
    &   \textbf{Category}         
        &   \textbf{Examples of apps}       
            &   \textbf{No.} 
                &   \textbf{Category}  
                    &   \textbf{Examples of apps}           \\
1   & Calendar        & Calendar  
    & 13 & Weather  & Weather   \\
2   & Communication & Messenger, WhatsApp, TrueCaller   
    & 14 & Games    & Texas Poker, Quick ball, Ludo King    \\
3   & Video Players and Editors & YouTube, HUAWEI Video           
    & 15 & Music and Audio      & Musique, Shazam, spotify  \\
4   & Clock         & Clock, Horloge, Alarme          
    & 16 & Entertainment        & Netflix                   \\
5   & Sytem Tool    & Setting, Calculatrice           
    & 17 & Education            & Google Translate          \\ 
6   & Health and fitness        & Health, SmokeCount              
    & 18 & Personnalisation     & Theme, Wallpapers         \\
7   & Phone and SMS & Contacts, Dialler, Messages     
    & 19 & Sports   & beIN sport, Live Football Scores      \\
8   & Social Media  & Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn   
    & 20 & News and Magazines   & Google Podcast, Opera News\\
9   & Photography   & Camera, Gallery                 
    & 21 & Shopping & IKEA                                  \\
10  & Lifestyle     & Tinder, Jumia                   
    & 22 & Finance  & STB, CIC, Boursorama Banque           \\ 
11  & Maps and Navigation       & Google Maps, Bolt               
    & 23 & Productivity         & PDF reader, Notepad, Docs \\
12  & Travel and Local          & Kayak, Booking.com              
    &    &  &                                               \\

\caption{Mobile apps categories with some exemplary apps}
\label{table:1} %% \ref{table:1} pour la ref
    \begin{tblr}{colspec={c X[l]X[l]},
    &   \textbf{Category}   &   \textbf{Examples of apps}   \\
1   & Calendar          & Calendar                          \\
2   & Communication     & Messenger, WhatsApp, TrueCaller   \\
3   & Video Players and Editors 
                        & YouTube, HUAWEI Video             \\
4   & Clock             & Clock, Horloge, Alarme            \\
5   & Sytem Tool        & Setting, Calculatrice             \\
6   & Health and fitness    & Health, SmokeCount            \\
7   & Phone and SMS     & Contacts, Dialler, Messages       \\
8   & Social Media      & Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn     \\
9   & Photography       & Camera, Gallery                   \\
10  & Lifestyle         & Tinder, Jumia                     \\
11  & Maps and Navigation   & Google Maps, Bolt             \\
12  & Travel and Local      & Kayak, Booking.com            \\
13 & Weather            & Weather                           \\
14 & Games              & Texas Poker, Quick ball, Ludo King\\
15 & Music and Audio    & Musique, Shazam, spotify          \\
16 & Entertainment      & Netflix                           \\
17 & Education          & Google Translate                  \\
18 & Personnalisation   & Theme, Wallpapers                 \\
19 & Sports             & beIN sport, Live Football Scores  \\
20 & News and Magazines & Google Podcast, Opera News        \\
21 & Shopping           & IKEA                              \\
22 & Finance            & STB, CIC, Boursorama Banque       \\
23 & Productivity       & PDF reader, Notepad, Docs         \\










\usepackage{pdflscape} % landscape

\usepackage{hhline} % double line

\usepackage{array} % strecth celld



\caption{Mobile apps categories with some exemplary apps}\label{table:1} %% \ref{table:1} pour la ref
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % exaonds the cells vertically
    ||c l l c l l||}
    \textbf{No.}                  & \textbf{Category}         & \textbf{Examples of apps}       & \textbf{No.} & \textbf{Category}  & \textbf{Examples of apps}  \\ [0.5ex]
    1 & Calendar                  & Calendar                        & 13 & Weather            & Weather                            \\ \hline
    2 & Communication             & Messenger, WhatsApp, TrueCaller & 14 & Games              & Texas Poker, Quick ball, Ludo King \\ \hline
    3 & Video Players and Editors & YouTube, HUAWEI Video           & 15 & Music and Audio    & Musique, Shazam, spotify           \\ \hline
    4 & Clock                     & Clock, Horloge, Alarme          & 16 & Entertainment      & Netflix                            \\ \hline
    5 & Sytem Tool                & Setting, Calculatrice           & 17 & Education          & Google Translate                   \\ \hline
    6 & Health and fitness        & Health, SmokeCount              & 18 & Personnalisation   & Theme, Wallpapers                  \\ \hline
    7 & Phone and SMS             & Contacts, Dialler, Messages     & 19 & Sports             & beIN sport, Live Football Scores   \\ \hline
    8 & Social Media              & Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn   & 20 & News and Magazines & Google Podcast, Opera  News        \\ \hline
    9 & Photography               & Camera, Gallery                 & 21 & Shopping           & IKEA                               \\ \hline
    10& Lifestyle                 & Tinder, Jumia                   & 22 & Finance            & STB, CIC, Boursorama Banque        \\ \hline
    11& Maps and Navigation       & Google Maps, Bolt               & 23 & Productivity       & PDF reader, Notepad, Docs          \\ \hline
    12& Travel and Local          & Kayak, Booking.com              &    &                    &                                    \\ \hline




\usepackage{pdflscape} % landscape




\caption{Mobile apps categories with some exemplary apps}\label{table:1} %% \ref{table:1} pour la ref
    |c l l c l l|}[cell-space-limits = 6pt, code-before=\rowcolor{gray!50}{1} \rowcolors{2}{gray!25}{white}] % alternate row colors and expand cells
    \textbf{No.}                  & \textbf{Category}         & \textbf{Examples of apps}       & \textbf{No.} & \textbf{Category}  & \textbf{Examples of apps}  \\[0.5ex]
    1 & Calendar                  & Calendar                        & 13 & Weather            & Weather                            \\ 
    2 & Communication             & Messenger, WhatsApp, TrueCaller & 14 & Games              & Texas Poker, Quick ball, Ludo King \\ 
    3 & Video Players and Editors & YouTube, HUAWEI Video           & 15 & Music and Audio    & Musique, Shazam, spotify           \\ 
    4 & Clock                     & Clock, Horloge, Alarme          & 16 & Entertainment      & Netflix                            \\ 
    5 & Sytem Tool                & Setting, Calculatrice           & 17 & Education          & Google Translate                   \\ 
    6 & Health and fitness        & Health, SmokeCount              & 18 & Personnalisation   & Theme, Wallpapers                  \\ 
    7 & Phone and SMS             & Contacts, Dialler, Messages     & 19 & Sports             & beIN sport, Live Football Scores   \\ 
    8 & Social Media              & Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn   & 20 & News and Magazines & Google Podcast, Opera  News        \\ 
    9 & Photography               & Camera, Gallery                 & 21 & Shopping           & IKEA                               \\ 
    10& Lifestyle                 & Tinder, Jumia                   & 22 & Finance            & STB, CIC, Boursorama Banque        \\ 
    11& Maps and Navigation       & Google Maps, Bolt               & 23 & Productivity       & PDF reader, Notepad, Docs          \\ 
    12& Travel and Local          & Kayak, Booking.com              &    &                    &                                    \\ \hline
