错误打印内容 - biblatex

错误打印内容 - biblatex

我正在使用biblatex,但以下内容在 PDF 中打印错误。如何标记此 bib 文件。请指教。


 author ={The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine},
 editor={Akemann, G \textit{et al}},
 title ={Achieving Science with CubeSats: Thinking Inside the Box},
 location={Washington, DC},
 publisher={The National Academies Press},
 editor={Rao A and others},


在 PDF 中,它是打印Sciences Engineering Medicine The National Academies of而不是The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine。如何collab编码biblatex

editor也是错误地打印在PDF中。应该是G Akemann et al。如何实现?


作为乌尔丽克·菲舍尔提及在评论中并解释为在书目条目的“作者”字段中使用“公司作者”(完整拼写出姓名)你需要用一对额外的花括号来保护公司作者。所以author = {The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine},应该

author = {{The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine}},

此外,你永远不应该et al.在名称字段中说,你需要使用关键字and others。所以editor={Akemann, G \textit{et al}},应该

editor = {Akemann, G. and others},


要将“et al.”格式化为斜体,您可以重新定义 bibmacro name:andothers


    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames

  author    = {{The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine}},
  date      = {2016},
  editor    = {Akemann, G. and others},
  title     = {Achieving Science with CubeSats: Thinking Inside the Box},
  location  = {Washington, DC},
  publisher = {The National Academies Press},


美国国家科学院工程医学部。《利用立方体卫星实现科学:跳出思维定式》。G. Akemann 等人编。华盛顿特区:美国国家科学院出版社,2016 年。
