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我很感激任何建议/忠告,因为我对 LATEX 不是很熟悉。任何与我的问题无关的关于我的文档的其他反馈也非常感谢。
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\lhead{\LARGE Number Place and Value Test 7\\\large\today\\John Smith}
1. Complete the test and check your answers.\\
2. Scan the QR Code and input your score.}
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $5447738$
\choice $4437381$
\choice $8305907$
\choice $9339827$
\choice $1442711$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $8092823$
\choice $9367490$
\choice $1964529$
\choice $3149875$
\choice $5745315$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $3980605$
\choice $9702282$
\choice $6237650$
\choice $3644015$
\choice $1358666$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $8664126$
\choice $6070860$
\choice $9420803$
\choice $5754384$
\choice $6398766$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $6277328$
\choice $8809736$
\choice $5887283$
\choice $5716170$
\choice $8087313$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $3547326$
\choice $8074229$
\choice $1739227$
\choice $7196233$
\choice $7989985$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $8106934$
\choice $5161059$
\choice $1049957$
\choice $7216725$
\choice $2280085$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $8706155$
\choice $6938591$
\choice $9936690$
\choice $7389161$
\choice $2335232$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $1740135$
\choice $6280320$
\choice $3640218$
\choice $9420925$
\choice $5535432$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $5226418$
\choice $7674107$
\choice $2199521$
\choice $5343271$
\choice $4811082$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $5810212$
\choice $1121923$
\choice $3706036$
\choice $1049400$
\choice $2767112$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $7831316$
\choice $1884191$
\choice $7804065$
\choice $2706287$
\choice $8962263$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $1239644$
\choice $8946088$
\choice $1128256$
\choice $5005934$
\choice $1278918$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $2223682$
\choice $1485906$
\choice $4219615$
\choice $3168707$
\choice $7829260$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $5496415$
\choice $6843932$
\choice $9690317$
\choice $2898830$
\choice $1994056$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $8909168$
\choice $7167479$
\choice $1832324$
\choice $4744659$
\choice $9809512$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $9770245$
\choice $6594567$
\choice $9425455$
\choice $9831149$
\choice $2715294$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $3421745$
\choice $8146859$
\choice $6934543$
\choice $9856352$
\choice $6768593$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the smallest?
\choice $6937444$
\choice $8416242$
\choice $8364624$
\choice $2111396$
\choice $5888083$
\question Of the following numbers, which is the largest?
\choice $9358811$
\choice $9185411$
\choice $2653630$
\choice $3354152$
\choice $6455801$