在撰写论文时,通常将论文主体和支持信息写在一个文件中会很有帮助,这样可以利用 LaTeX 的参考功能。
如何为 elsarcticle 类实现这一点?
我通过浏览 .cls 文件,以某种有点古怪的方式弄清楚了这一点。它对我的目的有用。只需像平常一样写论文,当你看到附录时,你需要包含一堆命令来重新打印稍微修改过的标题。
\usepackage{lipsum} % just to demonstration
% your paper goes here
% ...
%%%%% APPENDIX %%%%%
%\nolinenumbers % if you are using lineo package
% most counters defined by elsarticle (just in case), important here is affn
% \setcounter{ead}{0}
% \setcounter{tnote}{0}
% \setcounter{fnote}{0}
% \setcounter{cnote}{0}
% \setcounter{author}{0}
% Remove the title so we can fill a new one in
\title{Supplementary Data for: The Paper title again}
% I'm using the abstract environment to put a table of contents
% here we modify the footnote on the title page to reflect that these are supporting info
Supplementary Data for \ifx\@journal\@empty Elsevier
% making the new TOC for the SI
% your content starts here
\section{Demonstration of something in more detail}
\section{Another thing I would like to show}
\section{More stuff}