

有人能帮我用以下代码在每个 Pi 图表顶部写副标题吗?请参阅示例图片在此处输入图片描述

\usepackage{pgf-pie} % version: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf-pie Dec 26, 2020
\pretocmd{\pgfpie@slice}{% define label text with percentages for small values
\pgfmathparse{#3 > 5}%
\ifnum\pgfmathresult=1 %
\def\txtlabel{#4}% original label for large values
\def\txtlabel{#4 (#3\%)}% label with percentage for small values
}{\message{define label patch ok}}{\message{define label patch failed}}

\patchcmd{\pgfpie@slice}% use label text instead of original argument #4
{\message{add pct patch ok}}%
{\message{add pct patch failed}}%

\def\pgfpie@numbertext#1{% don't print percentage in slice for small values
    \pgfmathparse{#1 > 5}%
    \ifnum\pgfmathresult=1 %
\pie[before number =, after number = {\%},text=pin, ]{
18.9/1-20 Employees,
29.2/21-100 Employees,
22.6/101-500 Employees,
7.5/501-1000 Employees,
21.7/Over 1000 Employees

%\pie[before number =, after number = {\%},text=pin, ]{
%42.3/ Combination of DDD and business capability,
%29.8/ Only business capability,
%27.9/ only DDD
\pie[before number =, after number = {\%},text=pin, ]{
5.7/1 Practitioners,
43.4/2-3 Practitioners,
27.4/4-5 Practitioners,
9.4/6-7 Practitioners,
6/8-10 Practitioners,
8.5/Over 10 Practitioners



\usepackage{pgf-pie} % version: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf-pie Dec 26, 2020

\caption{Caption Over Here}
\pie[before number =, after number = {\%},text=pin, ]{
18.9/1-20 Employees,
29.2/21-100 Employees,
22.6/101-500 Employees,
7.5/501-1000 Employees,
21.7/Over 1000 Employees
\caption{Caption Over There}
\pie[before number =, after number = {\%},text=pin, ]{
5.7/1 Practitioners,
43.4/2-3 Practitioners,
27.4/4-5 Practitioners,
9.4/6-7 Practitioners,
6/8-10 Practitioners,
8.5/Over 10 Practitioners

注意:我清理了你的 MWE 以便它可以编译:主要是 - 我将独立文件更改为文章,以便你的子图可以放入图中。
