自动形状 - 类似于 baposter 中的海报框

自动形状 - 类似于 baposter 中的海报框

我在 baposter 课上制作海报。我想要将我的故事围绕一个总结性句子展开,该句子将放置在第二列中箭头状海报框所形成的轴上(海报是纵向的,有 4 列)。基本上我想要的是这样的:在此处输入图片描述 我的问题是如何制作这种箭头状的海报框?我尝试在网上搜索,但没有找到解决方案。有什么建议可以解决吗?我当前的代码:



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} %
%  % Author names
\normalsize{Piotr A. Dróżdż$^1$, }
\footnotesize{$^1$CENTERA Laboratories, Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland \\

$^5$Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\\
% \vspace{0.01em}
[email protected]}
% University/lab logo

\begin{posterbox}[column=0, row=0, span=4,headerfont={},headershape=rounded,headerColorOne=ORG,boxColorOne=white,borderColor=ORG]{\bf Motivation}
Blah blah blah \cite{pitaevskii1961electric}. We are going towards the enlighted future\cite{PhysRevLett.15.190} \lipsum[1]

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    \item 1
    \item 2.
    \item maybe 3. but not more

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    \item 1
    \item 2.
    \item maybe 3. but not more

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    \item 1
    \item 2.
    \item maybe 3. but not more

\begin{posterbox}[column=0,row=0.8,span=2,headerfont={},headershape=rounded,headerColorOne=red,boxColorOne=white,borderColor=red]{\huge \bf Conclusions}
    \item 1
    \item 2.
    \item maybe 3. but not more

\begin{posterbox}[column=2, row=0.83,headerfont={},headershape=rounded,headerColorOne=CENTblue,boxColorOne=white,borderColor=CENTblue]{\bf Acknowledgements}
Thank you for help Ladies and Gents.

\begin{posterbox}[column=3, row=0.83,headerfont={},headershape=rounded,headerColorOne=CENTglon,boxColorOne=white,borderColor=CENTglon]{\bf References}
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