在由 R 生成的回归表中将注释文本左对齐(etable)

在由 R 生成的回归表中将注释文本左对齐(etable)

我的 R 函数(etable)为我提供了以下乳胶表:

Dependent Variables:&Earnings&Employment\\
Model:&(1) & (2)\\
\midrule \emph{Variables}&   &  \\
Post&-0.0129 & -0.0258\\
  &(0.0022) & (0.0015)\\
Post $\times $ Treat&-0.0987 & -0.0617\\
  &(0.0074) & (0.0043)\\
Outcome mean & 1 & 0.9700\\
\midrule \emph{Fixed-effects}&   &  \\
Person$\times$Event Year (82,405) & Yes & Yes\\
Age (26) & Yes & Yes\\
\midrule \emph{Fit statistics}&  & \\
Observations & 1,349,627&1,349,627\\
R$^2$ & 0.43976&0.29319\\
Within R$^2$ & 0.00811&0.00818\\
\midrule\midrule\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{One-way (Establishment) standard-errors in parentheses}}\\

\medskip \emph{Notes:} Each column reports the OLS regression results from Equation (3) with different outcomes. The unit of observation is the person-year. Earnings are measured by dividing total labor income with period 0 earnings. Employment is binary and takes the value 1 if the individual is employed during the last week of the year. The post-period indicator includes 7 years after the event and 5 years before the event. The event year is omitted from the estimation sample.

问题是,编译时,“注释”部分居中,如下所示。我需要如何修改 latex 输出以将文本左对齐?提前致谢。

