我正在尝试实现以下示例这张答案海报由 Audrey 提供如下:
\usepackage{xpatch}% or use http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/40705
\usepackage[style=authoryear, sorting=ynt, backend=biber, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
AUTHOR = {Last1, First1 and Last2, First2 and Last3, First3},
AUTHOR = {Last2, First2 and Last3, First3 and Last1, First1},
\edef\blx@tmp@name{\expandonce#1, \expandonce#2}%
% just for demonstration
{{Last2, First2} }
但是作者的名字并没有以粗体显示于 pdf 输出中。
我尝试了@moewe 给出的答案,但收到以下错误消息
LaTeX Warning: File `try9.bib' already exists on the system.
Not generating it from this source.
Package biblatex Warning: Conflicting options.
(biblatex) '<namepart>inits' conflicts with 'uniquename=full'.
(biblatex) Setting 'uniquename=init' on input line 81.
No file try9.bbl.
LaTeX Warning: Citation 'nhblx@name@1' on page 1 undefined on input line 84.
LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 85.
LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:
(biblatex) try9
(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
No pages of output.
Transcript written on try9.log.
\usepackage[style=authoryear, sorting=ynt, backend=biber, maxbibnames=99, uniquename=init]{biblatex}
运行biber try9
然后pdflatex try9
LaTeX Warning: File `try9.bib' already exists on the system.
Not generating it from this source.
(./try9.aux) (./try9.bbl)
! LaTeX Error: Command \mkbibcompletename undefined.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.84 \addboldnames{{Last2, First2}}
! LaTeX Error: Command \mkbibcompletename undefined.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.85 \printbibliography[heading=none]
! LaTeX Error: Command \mkbibcompletename undefined.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.85 \printbibliography[heading=none]
(./try9.aux) ){/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super/cm-s
Output written on try9.pdf (1 page, 12913 bytes).
Transcript written on try9.log.
。应该是\makeatletter \newbibmacro*{name:bold}[2]{% \edef\blx@tmp@name{\expandonce#1, \expandonce#2}% \def\do##1{\ifdefstring{\blx@tmp@name}{##1}{\bfseries\listbreak}{}}% \dolistloop{\boldnames}} \newcommand*{\boldnames}{} \makeatother
这种比较名称的方法是基于字符串的。这意味着您必须以与输出相同的格式提供要突出显示的名称。由于代码强制使用 来显示名字首字母
被 替换为\bibinitperiod
。填写 时需要考虑到这一点\boldnames
。\forcsvlist{\listadd\boldnames}{{Last2, F\bibinitperiod}}
毫不奇怪,我会借此机会推销我的答案到使用 biblatex 将特定作者设为粗体。该答案使用基于哈希的方法来比较名称,这通常比基于字符串的方法更可靠、更稳定。代码有点长,因为我们需要一种方法让 Biber 为我们生成哈希值。
\usepackage[style=authoryear, sorting=ynt, backend=biber, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
\def\nhblx@bibfile@name{\jobname -nhblx.bib}
@comment{Auto-generated file}\blx@nl}
@misc{nhblx@name@\the\value{nhblx@name}, author = {\unexpanded{#1}}, %
options = {dataonly=true},}%
% just for demonstration
AUTHOR = {Last1, First1 and Last2, First2 and Last3, First3},
AUTHOR = {Last2, First2 and Last3, First3 and Last1, First1},
\addboldnames{{Last2, First2}}