如何正确格式化具有多个标题和跨两列的 IEEE 表格论文

如何正确格式化具有多个标题和跨两列的 IEEE 表格论文

您好,我正在Overleaf为 IEEE 撰写论文,在格式化表格方面遇到了一些困难。



以及下面正确的我正在尝试实现的表格。请注意,它跨越两列,并且在标题“前 10 个期刊 - PM-SSCM”和标题“前 10 个期刊 - DST-SSCM”之间有一个中断,这也是我试图实现的。



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// some paragraphs....

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}L{0.8}L{1.1}L{1.1} @{}}
Top ten journals related to QUERY-1 \\
Journal Title    &   Publication \\
    &   Journal of cleaner Production
        &   40 \\
    &   International Journal of Production Economics
        &   28 \\
    &   International Journal of Production Research
        &   23 \\
    &   Supply Chain Management an International Journal
        &   20 \\
    &   Business Strategy and the Environment
        &   40 \\
    &   International Journal of Operations Production Management
        &   28 \\
    &   International Journal of Production Research
        &   23 \\
    &   Supply Chain Management an International Journal
        &   20 \\
Top ten journals related to QUERY-1 \\
Journal Title    &   Publication \\
    &   Journal of cleaner Production
        &   40 \\
    &   International Journal of Production Economics
        &   28 \\
    &   International Journal of Production Research
        &   23 \\
    &   Supply Chain Management an International Journal
        &   20 \\
    &   Business Strategy and the Environment
        &   40 \\
    &   International Journal of Operations Production Management
        &   28 \\
    &   International Journal of Production Research
        &   23 \\
    &   Supply Chain Management an International Journal
        &   20 \\







\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}%
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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}X c !{\qquad}Xc}
    Top ten journals related to QUERY-1 & & Top ten journals related to QUERY-1 \\
    \cmidrule(r{1.8em}){1-2} \cmidrule{3-4}
    Journal Title & Publication & Journal Title & Publication \\
     Journal of cleaner Production & 40 & Journal of cleaner Production & 40 \\
     International Journal of Production Economics & 28 & International Journal of Production Economics & 28 \\
     International Journal of Production Research & 23 & International Journal of Production Research & 23 \\
     Supply Chain Management an International Journal & 20 & Supply Chain Management an International Journal & 20 \\
     Business Strategy and the Environment & 40 & Business Strategy and the Environment & 40 \\
     International Journal of Operations Production Management & 28 & International Journal of Operations Production Management & 28 \\
     International Journal of Production Research & 23 & International Journal of Production Research & 23 \\
     Supply Chain Management an International Journal & 20 & Supply Chain Management an International Journal & 20 \\


