我想将图形围绕单个点 B 旋转 20°。为此,我尝试使用范围环境 ( \begin{scope}[rotate around={20:(B)}] ... \end{scope}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.325, decoration={
mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow[line width = 2pt]{latex}}}]
% Variables
% Coordinates
\coordinate (L1) at ({\R*(1-(\alphaa/3)^(1/3))},0);
\coordinate (L2) at ({\R*(1+(\alphaa/3)^(1/3))},0);
\coordinate (L3) at ({-\R*(1+5/12*\alphaa)},0);
\coordinate (L4) at ({\R*(1/2*(1-2*\alphaa))},{\R*sqrt(3)/2});
\coordinate (L5) at ({\R*1/2*(1-2*\alphaa)},{-\R*sqrt(3)/2});
\coordinate (C1) at ({\x},{\y});
\node[above left] at ({-\alphaa*\R-0.5},0.5) {\large $C_1$};
\coordinate (C2) at ({\xx},{\yy});
\node[above right] at ({(1-\alphaa)*\R+0.1},0.1) {\large $C_2$};
\coordinate (C3) at ({\xxx},{\yyy});
\node[above left] at (C3) {\large $P$};
\coordinate (B) at (0,0);
\node[above left] at (B) {\large $B$};
\begin{scope}[rotate around={20:(B)}]
% Axis
\draw [thick, -latex, line width = 1pt, dashed] ({-\alphaa*\R-\alphaa*\R/2},0)--({\alphaa*\R/2+(1-\alphaa)*\R},0) node[below right] {\large $x$}; %x axis
\draw [thick, -latex, line width = 1pt, dashed] (0,{-\alphaa*\R/2})--(0,{\R*1/2}) node[above left] {\large $y$}; %y axis
% Celestial bodies
\draw [thick, fill=yellow] (C1) circle (1); %C1
\draw [thick, fill=cyan] (C2) circle (0.5); %C2
\draw [thick, fill=gray] (C3) circle (0.25); %C3
% Lengths
\draw [thick, |<->|, line width = 1pt] ({-\alphaa*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2})--({(1-\alphaa)*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2}) node[midway, below] {$R=\left\|\overrightarrow{r_2}-\overrightarrow{r_1}\right\|$};
\draw [thick, dashed] ({-\alphaa*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2})--({-\alphaa*\R},0);
\draw [thick, dashed] ({(1-\alphaa)*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2})--({(1-\alphaa)*\R},0);
% Vectors
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (C1)--(C3)node[midway, above left] {\large $\overrightarrow{r}-\overrightarrow{r_1}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (B)--(C3)
node[midway,below right] {\large $\overrightarrow{r_3}=\overrightarrow{r}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (C2)--(C3) node[midway, above right] {\large $\overrightarrow{r}-\overrightarrow{r_2}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (B)--(C1) node[midway, below] {\large $\overrightarrow{r_1}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (B)--(C2) node[midway, below] {\large $\overrightarrow{r_2}$};
好的,这就是对我有用的方法(即使需要进行一些调整)。您不必transform shape
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.75,transform shape, rotate around={20:(0,0)}, decoration={
mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow[line width = 2pt]{latex}}}]
% Variables
\coordinate (B) at (0,0);
% Coordinates
\coordinate (L1) at ({\R*(1-(\alphaa/3)^(1/3))},0);
\coordinate (L2) at ({\R*(1+(\alphaa/3)^(1/3))},0);
\coordinate (L3) at ({-\R*(1+5/12*\alphaa)},0);
\coordinate (L4) at ({\R*(1/2*(1-2*\alphaa))},{\R*sqrt(3)/2});
\coordinate (L5) at ({\R*1/2*(1-2*\alphaa)},{-\R*sqrt(3)/2});
\coordinate (C1) at ({\x},{\y});
\node[above left] at ({-\alphaa*\R-0.5},0.5) {\large $C_1$};
\coordinate (C2) at ({\xx},{\yy});
\node[above right] at ({(1-\alphaa)*\R+0.1},0.1) {\large $C_2$};
\coordinate (C3) at ({\xxx},{\yyy});
\node[above left] at (C3) {\large $P$};
\node[above left] at (B) {\large $B$};
% Axis
\draw [thick, -latex, line width = 1pt, dashed] ({-\alphaa*\R-\alphaa*\R/2},0)--({\alphaa*\R/2+(1-\alphaa)*\R},0) node[below right] {\large $x$}; %x axis
\draw [thick, -latex, line width = 1pt, dashed] (0,{-\alphaa*\R/2})--(0,{\R*1/2}) node[above left] {\large $y$}; %y axis
% Celestial bodies
\draw [thick, fill=yellow] (C1) circle (1); %C1
\draw [thick, fill=cyan] (C2) circle (0.5); %C2
\draw [thick, fill=gray] (C3) circle (0.25); %C3
% Lengths
\draw [thick, |<->|, line width = 1pt] ({-\alphaa*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2})--({(1-\alphaa)*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2}) node[midway, below] {$R=\left\|\overrightarrow{r_2}-\overrightarrow{r_1}\right\|$};
\draw [thick, dashed] ({-\alphaa*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2})--({-\alphaa*\R},0);
\draw [thick, dashed] ({(1-\alphaa)*\R},{-\alphaa*\R/2})--({(1-\alphaa)*\R},0);
% Vectors
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (C1)--(C3)node[midway, above left] {\large $\overrightarrow{r}-\overrightarrow{r_1}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (B)--(C3)
node[midway,below right] {\large $\overrightarrow{r_3}=\overrightarrow{r}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (C2)--(C3) node[midway, above right] {\large $\overrightarrow{r}-\overrightarrow{r_2}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (B)--(C1) node[midway, below] {\large $\overrightarrow{r_1}$};
\draw [thick, postaction={decorate}, line width = 1pt] (B)--(C2) node[midway, below] {\large $\overrightarrow{r_2}$};