\usepackage {tikz}
\usetheme {Warsaw}
\usepackage{tikz,tgtermes,float}% times is deprecated - use one of the other options
\definecolor{mypink3}{cmyk}{0, 0.7808, 0.4429, 0.1412}
\definecolor{yel}{rgb}{0.898, 0.6196, 0.14}
\definecolor{blue1}{rgb}{0.11, 0.5, 0.9}
\begin{frame}{Test with bricks}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, transform shape, % <---
line join=round]%,trim left={(-3,0)}, trim right={(5.5,0)}]
\path [
every node/.append style={text=white},
level 1 concept/.append style={level distance=180, sibling angle=30, font=\large\sffamily\bfseries},
level 2 concept/.append style={level distance=90, font=\sffamily\bfseries},
concept color=yel!90!black,
node [concept, font=\Huge\sffamily\bfseries, ball color=yel!90!black, inner sep=10] (Mother of Mothers) {Mother of Mothers}[counterclockwise from=70]
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 1) {Mother 1}
child[grow=75, concept color=blue1!90!black] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 11) {Child 1, 1}
child [grow=75, clockwise from=45, concept color=blue1!90!black ] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 12) {Child 1, 2}
child [grow=75, clockwise from=149, concept color=blue1!140!black ] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 13) {Child 1, 3}
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 2) {Mother 2}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=60] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 21) {Child 2, 1}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=103] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 22) {Child 2, 2}
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 3) {Mother 3}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=130] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 31) {Child 3, 1}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=171] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 32) {Child 32}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=87] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 33) {Child 3, 3}
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 4) {Mother 4}
[counterclockwise from=180]
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=150] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 41) {Child 4,1}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=195] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 42) {Child 4,2}
我写这篇文章是为了感谢@Markus G。他/她通过他的评论指导我该怎么做,我觉得很有用。为了记录目的,也为了那些可能寻找此类解决方案的人。
\usepackage {tikz}
\usetheme {Warsaw}
\usepackage{tikz,tgtermes,float}% times is deprecated - use one of the other options
\definecolor{mypink3}{cmyk}{0, 0.7808, 0.4429, 0.1412}
\definecolor{yel}{rgb}{0.898, 0.6196, 0.14}
\definecolor{blue1}{rgb}{0.11, 0.5, 0.9}
visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
\alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path
\begin{frame}{Test with bricks}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, transform shape, % <---
line join=round]%,trim left={(-3,0)}, trim right={(5.5,0)}]
\path [
every node/.append style={text=white},
level 1 concept/.append style={level distance=180, sibling angle=30, font=\large\sffamily\bfseries},
level 2 concept/.append style={level distance=90, font=\sffamily\bfseries},
concept color=yel!90!black,
node [concept, font=\Huge\sffamily\bfseries, ball color=yel!90!black, inner sep=10] (Mother of Mothers) {Mother of Mothers}[counterclockwise from=70]
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black, visible on=<2->] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 1) {Mother 1}
child[grow=75, concept color=blue1!90!black, visible on=<3->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 11) {Child 1, 1}
child [grow=75, clockwise from=45, concept color=blue1!90!black, visible on=<4-> ] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 12) {Child 1, 2}
child [grow=75, clockwise from=149, concept color=blue1!140!black, visible on=<5-> ] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 13) {Child 1, 3}
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black, visible on=<6->] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 2) {Mother 2}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=60, visible on=<7->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 21) {Child 2, 1}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=103, visible on=<8->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 22) {Child 2, 2}
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black, visible on=<9->] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 3) {Mother 3}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=130, visible on=<10->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 31) {Child 3, 1}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=171, visible on=<11->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 32) {Child 32}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=87, visible on=<12->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 33) {Child 3, 3}
child [concept color=mypink3!90!black, visible on=<13->] {
node [concept, inner sep=10, ball color=mypink3!90!black] (Mother 4) {Mother 4}
[counterclockwise from=180]
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=150, visible on=<14->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 41) {Child 4,1}
child [concept color=blue1!90!black, grow=195, visible on=<15->] {
node [concept, inner sep=5, ball color=blue1!90!black] (Child 42) {Child 4,2}