如今,你会在 Ti 中做出类似的事情钾Z. 我并不经常使用它,所以肯定会有更好的方法,但这里有一个想法:
\draw[rounded corners=.01em] (-.05em,-1.3em)rectangle(.05em,.9em);
\draw[fill=white,rounded corners=1] (0,.8em)--(.8em,0)--(0,-.8em)--(-.8em,0)--cycle;
\draw[very thick,line cap=round](-.3em,-1.3em)--(.3em,-1.3em);
\node(x) at (0,0em) {\normalfont\sffamily\small#1};
The symbol \mydangersymbol{A} is used to indicate an anecdote,
whereas the symbol \mydangersymbol{C} is used to indicate a caveat.
Note that using these symbols inline will cause horrible spacing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit text to fill the line.
And a new paragraph within this \texttt{mydanger}
environment to show what happens when you have
more than one paragraph.
另请参见此处:有没有简单的方法可以获得 Bourbaki 危险弯道符号(无需额外)? 或者这里:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourbaki_dangerous_bend_symbol。