自动将表格签名行扩展到先前的 parbox 宽度

自动将表格签名行扩展到先前的 parbox 宽度


% Extend signature lines to the length of the parbox automatically 


\chapter*{\centering Declaration}


\parbox{10.5cm}{I declare that this thesis has been composed solely by myself and, except where otherwise stated and clearly indicated, is based on my own work and research carried out in the School of [School Name] at [University Name] between [Month] [Year] and [Month] [Year]. \\[8pt]}

\parbox{10.5cm}{I declare that this thesis has not been nor will be used for admission to a degree conferred by any other university or institution and neither has it previously been used for admission to a degree conferred by [University Name]. \\[26pt]}

% Doing it manually by eye sight led to a length of 8.595cm
    Signature: & \hspace{0.2cm}\hrulefill \vspace{0.9cm}\\
    Name: & \hspace{0.2cm}\hrulefill \vspace{0.9cm} \\
    Date: & \hspace{0.2cm}\hrulefill \vspace{0.9cm}











使用tabularx(由 加载memoir):



\chapter*{\centering Declaration}


\parbox{10.5cm}{I declare that this thesis has been composed solely by myself and, except where otherwise stated and clearly indicated, is based on my own work and research carried out in the School of [School Name] at [University Name] between [Month] [Year] and [Month] [Year]. \\[8pt]}

\parbox{10.5cm}{I declare that this thesis has not been nor will be used for admission to a degree conferred by any other university or institution and neither has it previously been used for admission to a degree conferred by [University Name]. \\[26pt]}

% Doing it manually by eye sight led to a length of 8.595cm
\begin{tabularx}{10.5cm}{@{} l @{\quad} X<{\rule{0pt}{9mm}} @{}}
    Signature:  &   \\  \cline{2-2}
    Name:       &   \\  \cline{2-2}
    Date:       &   \\  \cline{2-2}


注意:centering˙ is not an environment but switch, i,e, should be used as\centering (after it all is centered), Instead of it I usecenter` 环境
