Supertabular* 两栏文章模板

Supertabular* 两栏文章模板

在将一个很长的表格转换为超表格时,我遇到了一个问题,即超表格* 相当于表格*,但只是在下一页继续。举个例子,我不希望表格在以下列中继续,就像这篇关于平衡的文章,但更多的是相当于这个帖子两列上都有表格,继续下一页。最后一个是使用 xtab,我试过了,得到了类似的结果。

经过调查后,它可能与“水平模式”中的 \dimexpr 相关联,并以某种方式由 supertabular* 触发,但我不明白该错误的原因。


\usepackage{supertabular, booktabs}

\usepackage{array} %% Array m option in particular (center and sized)
\usepackage{diagbox} %% Array diagonal box
\usepackage{multirow} %for multi row in table


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AI/ML Models & Prediction & Optimisation/ Automation & Analysis & Modelling/
Simulation \\ \midrule \\
%\hline\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\small\sl continued from previous page}\\
AI/ML Models & Prediction & Optimisation/ Automation & Analysis & Modelling/
Simulation \\ \midrule \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\small continued on next page} \\
\bottomrule \\
\bottomrule \\

\tablecaption{Publication Distribution with the Design Space}
\label{tab: designSpace} 

\begin{supertabular*}{@{}p{\dimexpr 0.20\textwidth-\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.22\textwidth-2\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.20\textwidth-2\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.18\textwidth-2\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.20\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax }@{}}

Multi-Agent System (MAS) 

Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) 
& \\

Simulated Annealing (SA) 
& \\  

Tabu search 
& \\  

Particle Swarm Optimisation 
& \\  

Ant Colony Algorithm 
& \\  

Bee Colony Algorithm
& \\

Neural Network (NN) 
& \\  

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) 
& \\  

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
& \\

Deep Q-Network (DQN) 
& \\  

Deep Learning
& \\
&  \\

Random Forest (RF) 
& \\  

Quantile Regression Forest 
& \\   

Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) 
& \\  

Support Vector Machine (SVM) 
& \\  

Decision Tree 
&  \\  

Fuzzy Logic 
& \\  

Linear Regression 
&  \\  

Linear Functional Regression 
& \\  

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
& \\

Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA)
& \\

Logistic regression
& \\  

Binary logistic regression models 
& \\  

Gaussian Mixture Model 
& \\  

Bayesian Network 
&  \\  

Recursive Bayesian estimation 
& \\  

k-nearest neighbor (k-NN)

Genetic algorithm 
& \\

Hierarchical clustering
& \\

Dynamic Bayesian Belief Network 
&  \\  

& \\  

& \\  

& \\  

& \\  

Non Negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) 
& \\  

& \\  

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
& \\ 

Deep Reinforcement Learning
& \\ 

Recurrent neural network \& LSTM
& \\

Reinforcement Learning
& \\ 

k-nearest neighbours (kNN)
& \\ 

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
& \\

OPTICS clustering
& \\

Not referenced 
& \\  


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编辑: 想要的结果


因此,我将对我的问题发表一个答案,虽然对我来说并不理想,但我使用了“cuted”包中的“strip”环境,并使用 supertabular 包中的 \shrinkheight{} 相应地修改了表格的第一次分割。解决方案归功于这个帖子,尤其是 Bernard 使用 xtab(而不是 supertabular)的回答。如果有人可以让 supertabular* 环境工作,请告诉我,我很想了解这个问题。

    \usepackage{supertabular, booktabs}
\usepackage{array} %% Array m option in particular (center and sized)
\usepackage{diagbox} %% Array diagonal box
\usepackage{multirow} %for multi row in table
%\usepackage{xtab, booktabs}



AI/ML Models & Prediction & Optimisation/ Automation & Analysis & Modelling/
Simulation \\ \midrule \\
%\hline\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\small\sl continued from previous page}\\
AI/ML Models & Prediction & Optimisation/ Automation & Analysis & Modelling/
Simulation \\ \midrule \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\small continued on next page} \\
\bottomrule \\
\bottomrule \\

\tablecaption{Publication Distribution with the Design Space}
\label{tab: designSpace} 

\begin{supertabular}{@{}p{\dimexpr 0.20\textwidth-\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.22\textwidth-2\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.20\textwidth-2\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.18\textwidth-2\tabcolsep \relax}p{\dimexpr 0.20\textwidth-\tabcolsep\relax }@{}}
%\begin{supertabular*}{p{0.20\textwidth}p{0.22\textwidth}p{0.20\textwidth}p{0.18\textwidth}p{ 0.20\textwidth}}

Multi-Agent System (MAS) 
& \\  

Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) 
& \\

Simulated Annealing (SA) 
& \\  

Tabu search 
& \\  

Particle Swarm Optimisation 
& \\  

Ant Colony Algorithm 
& \\  

Bee Colony Algorithm
& \\

Neural Network (NN) 
& \\  

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) 
& \\  

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
& \\

Deep Q-Network (DQN) 
& \\  

Deep Learning
& \\
&  \\

Random Forest (RF) 
& \\  

Quantile Regression Forest 
& \\   

Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) 
& \\  

Support Vector Machine (SVM) 
& \\  

Decision Tree 
&  \\  

Fuzzy Logic 
& \\  

Linear Regression 
&  \\  

Linear Functional Regression 
& \\  

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
& \\

Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA)
& \\

Logistic regression
& \\  

Binary logistic regression models 
& \\  

Gaussian Mixture Model 
& \\  

Bayesian Network 
&  \\  

Recursive Bayesian estimation 
& \\  

k-nearest neighbor (k-NN)

Genetic algorithm 
& \\

Hierarchical clustering
& \\

Dynamic Bayesian Belief Network 
&  \\  

& \\  

& \\  

& \\  

& \\  

Non Negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) 
& \\  

& \\  

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
& \\ 

Deep Reinforcement Learning
& \\ 

Recurrent neural network \& LSTM
& \\

Reinforcement Learning
& \\ 

k-nearest neighbours (kNN)
& \\ 

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
& \\

OPTICS clustering
& \\

Not referenced 
& \\  



