和 的问题\righthyphenmin
序言,但这并没有解决任何问题。我刚刚重新安装了 MiKTeX 并更新了所有软件包,所以我认为这不会成为问题。
编辑 4:这似乎是 TeXStudio 的问题,因为我的最小示例在命令行中使用 可以正常工作pdflatex hyphenation-example
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A pandemic is an event in which a disease spreads over a very large area, often crossing national borders. Pandemics often infect large numbers of people, can cause many deaths , and have negative effects on trade and the world economy. It is due to the large scale of the negative effects of pandemics that pandemic preparedness is seen as an important public health activity, despite the low frequency of pandemics in comparison to other disease outbreaks. Factors implicated in pandemic risk include travel, high population density, and changing agricultural practices.
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A pandemic is an event in which a disease spreads over a very large area, often crossing national borders. Pandemics often infect large numbers of people, can cause many deaths , and have negative effects on trade and the world economy. It is due to the large scale of the negative effects of pandemics that pandemic preparedness is seen as an important public health activity, despite the low frequency of pandemics in comparison to other disease outbreaks. Factors implicated in pandemic risk include travel, high population density, and changing agricultural practices.
选项的滥用可能比连字符和过满的 \hbox 更糟糕。
\usepackage[protrusion=true, expansion=true, shrink=55, stretch=55,
tracking=true, kerning=true, spacing=true,
A pandemic is an event in which a disease spreads over a very large
area, often crossing national borders. Pandemics often infect large
numbers of people, can cause many deaths, and have negative effects
on trade and the world economy. It is due to the large scale of the
negative effects of pandemics that pandemic preparedness is seen as an
important public health activity, despite the low frequency of
pandemics in comparison to other disease outbreaks. Factors implicated
in pandemic risk include travel, high population density, and changing
agricultural practices.}
TeX 可以将文本设置为如此窄的列,但您必须进行一些调整,特别是允许更多的空白拉伸,因为即使使用连字符,在标准空白限制下也没有足够的断点。以下是三种可能性。
A pandemic is an event in which a disease spreads over a very large
area, often crossing national borders. Pandemics often infect large
numbers of people, can cause many deaths , and have negative effects
on trade and the world economy. It is due to the large scale of the
negative effects of pandemics that pandemic preparedness is seen as an
important public health activity, despite the low frequency of
pandemics in comparison to other disease outbreaks. Factors implicated
in pandemic risk include travel, high population density, and changing
agricultural practices.}
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由于\tolerance = 1
您要求 TeX 只生成超漂亮的行 — 比它通常能生成的文本更好的行。因此它会一次又一次地失败,而且当它失败时,您不会得到很好的输出。如果您添加草稿选项,您\documentclass[draft]{book}
您将获得更好的结果,会有更多 OK 线,但仍然有几条失败的线,这些非常窄的线:
一开始不错,但后来就太难了。你确实会看到更多带有你定义的例外模式的连字符,因为它们添加了一些 TeXs 算法找不到的连字符点。例如,它只连字符大流行并且不连字符旅行。
最终,这是因为 TeXStudio 使用的是 MiKTeX 而不是 TeX Live。MiKTeX 没有正确安装连字词典。我通过卸载 MiKTeX 并重新安装 TeX Live 解决了这个问题,之后 TeXStudio 自动切换到使用 TeX Live 并成功构建了具有正确连字的文档。