






    % invclip from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12010/how-can-i-invert-a-clip-selection-within-tikz
    \tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
                    (-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) rectangle (16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)
    \begin{frame}{Example Slide}
        %highlighting overlay
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % useful to avoid the rectangle in the bounding box
        % TODO: automatically position, resize this ugly hardcoded box
        (3,-4.95) -- (5.1,-4.95) -- (5.1,-4) -- (3,-4) -- (3,-4.95);
        \fill[black, opacity=0.5] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
        % Some (arbitrary) content of the slide.
        Some text here.
        \hspace{17em} Other text here.
        \hspace{8em} Highlights!




\begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % useful to avoid the rectangle in the bounding box
    \draw[draw=none, invclip]
    % TODO: automatically reposition this hardcoded circle.
    (4,-4.55) circle (1.6);



我们可以简单地通过 tikzmark 检索文本的位置并通过 saveboxes 计算宽度/高度,如下所示:



% invclip from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12010/how-can-i-invert-a-clip-selection-within-tikz
\tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
                (-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) rectangle (16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)

% placeholder for the name of saveboxes defined in the spotlight macro
% placeholder for the name of marks defined in the spotlight macro
% spotlight padding in pt
% counter to dinamically adjust the saveboxname

% macro to create a spotlight for the passed content
    % create a savebox for the content
    \expandafter\newsavebox\csname \hilboxname\roman{hilboxcounter}\endcsname%
    \expandafter\savebox\csname \hilboxname\roman{hilboxcounter}\endcsname{#1}% 
    % mark position and use savebox
    \tikzmark{\hilboxmark\roman{hilboxcounter}}\expandafter\usebox\csname \hilboxname\roman{hilboxcounter}\endcsname%
    % create the spotlight
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    % shortcuts for the calculations below (width, height, depth of the box, padding for the spotlight)
    \newcommand{\w}{\wd\csname \hilboxname\roman{hilboxcounter}\endcsname};
    \newcommand{\h}{\ht\csname \hilboxname\roman{hilboxcounter}\endcsname};
    \newcommand{\D}{\dp\csname \hilboxname\roman{hilboxcounter}\endcsname};
    \begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % needed by the range definition of invclip
    % draw a path around the text for the highlight
    (pic cs:\hilboxmark\roman{hilboxcounter}) + (0,-\D-\p)
    -- ++(\w+\p, -\D-\p)
    -- ++(0, \h+\D+2*\p)
    -- ++(-\w-2*\p, 0)
    -- ++(0,-\h-\D-2*\p);
    % fill the rest of the slide greyish
    \fill[black, opacity=0.5] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);

    \begin{frame}{Example Slide}
        Some text here.
        \hspace{17em} Other text here.
        \hspace{8em} \spotlight{Highlights!}


% define the radius of the circle to create
% draw a circle around the text
\draw[draw=none, invclip]
(pic cs:\hilboxmark\roman{hilboxcounter}) + (0.5*\w, 0.5*\h - 0.5*\D) circle (\r pt);


cspotlight创建圆形聚光灯。 rspotlight创建矩形聚光灯。


这些命令仅在 中有效hframe。其想法很简单,即 hframe 插入“变暗的 tikz 图片”。而聚光灯命令插入聚光灯。(而不是像以前一样创建多个这样的 tikzpictures。)




% invclip from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12010/how-can-i-invert-a-clip-selection-within-tikz
\tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
                (-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) rectangle (16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)

% placeholder for the name of saveboxes defined in the spotlight macro
% placeholder for the name of marks defined in the spotlight macro
% standard spotlight padding in pt
% counter to dinamically adjust the saveboxname
% shortcut for hilboxcounter as number

% generalized spotlight macro
% #1 - mode
% #2 - content 
% #3 - padding
% #4 - higlight range
    % create a savebox for the content
    \expandafter\newsavebox\csname \hilboxname\hc\endcsname%
    \expandafter\savebox\csname \hilboxname\hc\endcsname{#2}% 
    % mark position and use savebox
    \tikzmark{\hilboxmark\hc}\expandafter\usebox\csname \hilboxname\hc\endcsname%
    % save the spotlight info

% add rectangular spotlight
% #1 - savebox number
% #2 - padding
    % shortcuts for the calculations below (width, height, depth of the box, padding for the spotlight)
    \def\w{\wd\csname \hilboxname#1\endcsname}
    \def\h{\ht\csname \hilboxname#1\endcsname}
    \def\D{\dp\csname \hilboxname#1\endcsname}
    (pic cs:\hilboxmark#1) + (0,-\D-\p)
    -- ++(\w+\p, -\D-\p)
    -- ++(0, \h+\D+2*\p)
    -- ++(-\w-2*\p, 0)
    -- ++(0,-\h-\D-2*\p);

% add circular spotlight
% #1 - savebox number
% #2 - padding
    % shortcuts for the calculations below (width, height, depth of the box, padding for the spotlight)
    \def\w{\wd\csname \hilboxname#1\endcsname}
    \def\h{\ht\csname \hilboxname#1\endcsname}
    \def\D{\dp\csname \hilboxname#1\endcsname}
    % define the radius of the circle to create
    % draw a circle around the text
    \draw[draw=none, invclip]
    (pic cs:\hilboxmark#1) + (0.5*\w, 0.5*\h - 0.5*\D) circle (\r pt);

% A new environment that assumes the slide should have some highlighted words
    % there may be a nicer way to generally append something to a frame, this idea is from:
    % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/11708/run-macro-on-each-frame-in-beamer?rq=1
            % create highlight overlay
            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
            \foreach \mode \number \padding in \highlightlist {
                \csname \mode\endcsname{\number}{\padding}
            % fill the rest of the slide greyish
            \fill[black, opacity=0.5] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);

    \begin{hframe}{Example Slide}
        Some text here.
        \hspace{17em} \rspotlightd{FIRST HIGHLIGHT}{2-}
        \hspace{8em} \rspotlightd{Highlights!}{3}

     \begin{hframe}{Example Slide}
        Some text here.
        \hspace{17em} \cspotlightd{FIRST HIGHLIGHT}{2-}
        \hspace{8em} \cspotlightpd{Highlights!}{20}{3} % increase the radius for this one

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
