海报环境中的 Wrapfig

海报环境中的 Wrapfig

具体来说,我使用的是https://www.overleaf.com/articles/an-initial-analysis-of-approximation-error-for-evolutionary-algorithms/kgkpjgxzywjq 模板我在环境中添加了 \usepackage{wrapfig},但仍然收到错误 environment wrapfig undefined

%% 作者:Jun He %% 日期:2017.05.11 % 由 Jun He 于 2015 年 5 月 11 日设计 % 本文件可按照 % % 1. LaTeX 项目公共许可证和/或 % 2. GNU 公共许可证进行分发和/或修改。


\usepackage{aber} %my own defined style

\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={thick}} 
\usepackage{wrapfig}  %%added
\usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{aber1.jpg}} %insert background photo
\title{{\Huge An Initial  Analysis of Approximation Error for Evolutionary Algorithms}} % Poster title
\author{\Large Jun He \inst{1} \and Yuren Zhou \inst{2} \and Guangming Li \inst{3}}
\institute{\normalsize   \inst{1}Aberystwyth University, UK \,\, \inst{2} Sun Yat-sen University, China\,\, \inst{3} Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, China}
%% own commands
\newcommand*{\defeq }{:=}  



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This work aims at rigorously analyzing the approximation error of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). 

Consider an EA for solving a maximization problem:
\max f(x), \mbox{ subject to } x \in \mathcal{S}.

Let  $f_{\opt}$ denote the fitness of the optimal solution and $F_t$  the expected  fitness of the best solution  found  in the $t$th generation. 

\item The \textbf{approximation error} of the EA in the $t$th generation is   
\item If some positive constants
$\alpha$ and $\beta$ exist with
\lim_{t \to +\infty} \frac{E_t}{(E_{t-1})^{\alpha}}  =\beta,
\end{align}   then $\{E_t; t=0,1, \cdots\}$ is called to \textbf{converge to $0$ in the order $\alpha$}, with \textbf{asymptotic error constant $\beta$}~\cite{burden2015numerical,gautschi2011numerical}. 





