\title{Letters with a Dot Below Disappear from Footnotes and References}
The book entitled \textit{al-Jāmi’ li A\d{h}kām al-Qur’ān} is the work of Mu\d{h}ammad bin A\d{h}mad al-An\d{s}ārī al-Qur\d{t}ubī.\autocite{al-qurtubiAlJamiLiAhkam2003}\\
The book entitled \textit{al-Tawshī\d{h} Shar\d{h} al-Jāmi’ al-\d{S}a\d{h}ī\d{h}} is the work of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyu\d{t}ī. \autocite{al-suyutiAlTawshihSharhAlJami1998a}\\
The book entitled \textit{Asbāb al-Nuzūl wa bi Hāmisih al-Nāsikh wa al-Mansūkh} is the work of ‘Alī bin A\d{h}mad al-Wā\d{h}idī.\autocite{al-wahidiAsbabAlNuzulWa2000}
title = {al-{{J\=ami}}' li {{A\d{h}k\=am}} al-{{Qur}}'\=an},
author = {al-An{\d s}{\=a}r{\=i} {al-Qur{\d t}ub{\=i}}, Mu{\d h}ammad bin A{\d h}mad},
year = {2003},
volume = {18},
publisher = {{D\=ar `\=Alam al-Kutub}},
address = {{al-Riy\=a\d{d}}}
title = {al-{{Tawshi\d{h} Shar\d{h}}} al-{{J\=ami}}' al-{{\d{S}a\d{h}\=i\d{h}}}},
author = {al-D{\=i}n {al-Suy{\=u}{\d t}{\=i}}, Jal{\=a}l},
editor = {Ri{\d d}w{\=a}n, Ri{\d d}w{\=a}n J{\=a}mi'},
year = {1998},
publisher = {{Maktabat al-Rushd}},
address = {{al-Riy\=a\d{d}}}
title = {Asb\=ab Al-{{Nuz\=ul}} wa bi {{H\=amisih}} al-{{N\=asikh}} wa al-{{Mans\=ukh}}},
author = {{al-W{\=a}{\d h}id{\=i}}, `Al{\=i} bin A{\d h}mad},
editor = {al-L{\=a}h Ibn Sal{\=a}mah, Hibat},
year = {2000},
publisher = {{`\=Alam al-Kutub}},
address = {{Bayr\=ut}}
如果你的文档包含许多这样的 Unicode 字符,米科的建议选择像 LuaLaTeX 或 XeLaTeX 这样的 Unicode 引擎肯定是个好选择。但即使使用 pdfLaTeX,我们也可以完成此示例。
当使用 pdfLaTeX 和当前版本的 LaTeX 内核(我使用LaTeX2e <2021-06-01> patch level 1
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character Ṣ (U+1E62)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.
也就是说,LaTeX 不知道如何处理Ṣ
原因是 LaTeX 仅设置了其实际可以生成的有限范围的 Unicode 字符。例如,使用标准字体设置(以及大多数贡献的字体包),您将无法生成 CJK 字符,因此这些字符不包含在内。大多数拉丁字符都支持开箱即用,但偶尔会缺少组合(参见例如https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/484,它增加了对ḥ
和 的支持ṣ
问题可以很容易地通过以下方式修复inputenc 错误:Unicode 字符 \u8:未设置为与 LaTeX 一起使用其定义告诉 LaTeX,这Ṣ
是带有下方点的 S,即\d{S}
title = {al-J{\=a}mi' li A{\d h}k{\=a}m al-Qur'{\=a}n},
author = {al-An\d s\=ar\=i al-Qur{\d t}ub{\=i}, Mu{\d h}ammad bin A{\d h}mad},
year = {2003},
volume = {18},
publisher = {D{\=a}r `{\=A}lam al-Kutub},
address = {al-Riy{\=a}{\d d}},
title = {al-Tawshi{\d h} Shar{\d h} al-J{\=a}mi' al-{\d S}a{\d h}{\=i}{\d h}},
author = {al-D{\=i}n al-Suy{\=u}{\d t}{\=i}, Jal{\=a}l},
editor = {Ri{\d d}w{\=a}n, Ri{\d d}w{\=a}n J{\=a}mi'},
year = {1998},
publisher = {{Maktabat al-Rushd}},
address = {al-Riy{\=a}{\d d}},
title = {Asb\=ab Al-Nuz{\=ul} wa bi H{\=a}misih al-N{\=a}sikh wa al-Mans{\=u}kh},
author = {al-W{\=a}{\d h}id{\=i}, `Al{\=i} bin A{\d h}mad},
editor = {al-L{\=a}h Ibn Sal{\=a}mah, Hibat},
year = {2000},
publisher = {`{\=A}lam al-Kutub},
address = {Bayr{\=u}t},
The book entitled \emph{al-Jāmi’ li A\d{h}kām al-Qur’ān}
is the work of Mu\d{h}ammad bin A\d{h}mad al-An\d{s}ārī al-Qur\d{t}ubī.%
The book entitled \emph{al-Tawshī\d{h} Shar\d{h} al-Jāmi’ al-\d{S}a\d{h}ī\d{h}}
is the work of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyu\d{t}ī.%
The book entitled \emph{Asbāb al-Nuzūl wa bi Hāmisih al-Nāsikh wa al-Mansūkh}
is the work of ‘Alī bin A\d{h}mad al-Wā\d{h}idī.%
(等于)?\d S
\d S
这与 Biber 的运作方式有关。为了能够正确地对条目进行排序,Biber 需要将宏转义(如\"a
和 )转换\d S
为其各自的 Unicode 含义(ä
)。由于转换已经完成,Biber 随后将这个 Unicode 化的字符串传递给biblatex
title = {al-J{\=a}mi' li A{\d h}k{\=a}m al-Qur'{\=a}n},
title = {al-Tawshi{\d h} Shar{\d h} al-J{\=a}mi' al-{\d S}a{\d h}{\=i}{\d h}},
文件中,LaTeX 可以看到
\field{title}{al-Jāmi' li Aḥkām al-Qur'ān}
\field{title}{al-Tawshiḥ Sharḥ al-Jāmi' al-Ṣaḥīḥ}
然后由于 而出错了Ṣ
(如\usepackage[backend=biber, safeinputenc]{biblatex-chicago}
)告诉 Biber 不要输出 Unicode,而是将内容重新编码为 LaTeX 宏。然后上面的两个标题显示为
\field{title}{al-J\={a}mi' li A\d{h}k\={a}m al-Qur'\={a}n}
\field{title}{al-Tawshi\d{h} Shar\d{h} al-J\={a}mi' al-\d{S}a\d{h}\={\i}\d{h}}
我建议您从 pdfLaTeX 切换到 XeLaTeX 或 LuaLaTeX。切换非常简单 - 请参阅下面的代码调整 - 并且结果信件\d{S}
% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
title = {al-{{J\=ami}}' li {{A\d{h}k\=am}} al-{{Qur}}'\=an},
author = {al-An{\d s}{\=a}r{\=i} {al-Qur{\d t}ub{\=i}}, Mu{\d h}ammad bin A{\d h}mad},
year = {2003},
volume = {18},
publisher = {{D\=ar `\=Alam al-Kutub}},
address = {{al-Riy\=a\d{d}}}
title = {al-{{Tawshi\d{h} Shar\d{h}}} al-{{J\=ami}}' al-{{\d{S}a\d{h}\=i\d{h}}}},
author = {al-D{\=i}n {al-Suy{\=u}{\d t}{\=i}}, Jal{\=a}l},
editor = {Ri{\d d}w{\=a}n, Ri{\d d}w{\=a}n J{\=a}mi'},
year = {1998},
publisher = {{Maktabat al-Rushd}},
address = {{al-Riy\=a\d{d}}}
title = {Asb\=ab Al-{{Nuz\=ul}} wa bi {{H\=amisih}} al-{{N\=asikh}} wa al-{{Mans\=ukh}}},
author = {{al-W{\=a}{\d h}id{\=i}}, `Al{\=i} bin A{\d h}mad},
editor = {al-L{\=a}h Ibn Sal{\=a}mah, Hibat},
year = {2000},
publisher = {{`\=Alam al-Kutub}},
address = {{Bayr\=ut}}
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The book entitled \emph{al-Jāmi’ li A\d{h}kām al-Qur’ān} is the work of Mu\d{h}ammad bin A\d{h}mad al-An\d{s}ārī al-Qur\d{t}ubī.\autocite{al-qurtubiAlJamiLiAhkam2003}
The book entitled \emph{al-Tawshī\d{h} Shar\d{h} al-Jāmi’ al-\d{S}a\d{h}ī\d{h}} is the work of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyu\d{t}ī. \autocite{al-suyutiAlTawshihSharhAlJami1998a}
The book entitled \emph{Asbāb al-Nuzūl wa bi Hāmisih al-Nāsikh wa al-Mansūkh} is the work of ‘Alī bin A\d{h}mad al-Wā\d{h}idī.\autocite{al-wahidiAsbabAlNuzulWa2000}