到目前为止,我已经能够从 .csv 文件绘制其他图表:
\begin{axis}[scaled ticks=false, tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed} ,
axis lines=middle,
grid=major, % Display a grid
grid style={dashed,gray!30},
x label style={at={(axis description cs:1.13,0.55)},anchor=north},
y label style={at={(axis description cs:0,1)},anchor=south},
\addplot [color= black] table[y=M,x=X,col sep=comma]{momento2.csv};
\addplot [color= green,dash dot] table[y=YMAX,x=XMAX,col sep=comma]{Graficas/momento2.csv};
\caption{Momento vs Distancia}
我猜你正在寻找类似的东西,但我不确定。另外,我们没有你的数据文件 (momento2.csv),所以我画的是近似函数。
你可以用 Ti 来绘画钾在 axis 环境中使用 Z,但您需要在此环境中引用坐标。为此,您需要使用axis cs:
\draw[blue] (axis cs: \L,0) ellipse (0.025 and 0.08);
但其余的是普通的 Ti钾Z。
\usepackage {pgfplots}
\usepackage {siunitx} % SI units
\pgfplotsset {compat=1.17}
\usetikzlibrary{babel} % sometimes tikz and babel don't get along
% (a veces hay conflictos con tikz y spanish babel,
% en particular con las flechas ->)
\begin{axis}[scaled ticks=false, tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
axis lines=middle,
grid=major, % Display a grid
grid style={dashed,gray!30},
x label style={at={(axis description cs:1.13,0.55)},anchor=north},
y label style={at={(axis description cs:0,1)},anchor=south},
clip=false, % <-- we want to draw 'outside' the axes
% I don't have the data so I'm drawing approximate functions
\addplot [domain=0:\L] {\a*x^2+\b*x)}; % momento2.csv
\addplot [color=green,dash dot] coordinates {(0,\Y) (\L,\Y)}; % Graficas/momento2.csv
% free body diagram
\draw[blue,dashed] (axis cs: 0,0.08) arc (90:-90:0.025 and 0.08);
\draw[blue] (axis cs: \L,0.08) --++ (-\L,0) arc (90:270:0.025 and 0.08) --++ (\L,0);
\draw[blue] (axis cs: \L,0) ellipse (0.025 and 0.08);
\draw[thick,green,-latex] (axis cs: 0 ,0.08) --++ (0,0.2) node [black,right] {$R_a$};
\draw[thick,green,-latex] (axis cs: \L,0.08) --++ (0,0.2) node [black,right] {$R_b$};
\draw[blue,<->] (axis cs: 0, 0.15) --++ (\L,0);
\draw[orange] (axis cs: 0,-0.13) --++ (\L,0);
\draw[orange,-latex] (#1*\L/10,-0.08) --++ (0,-0.05);
\node[draw] at (0.5*\L,-0.16) {\SI{46.9670}{N/m}};
\node[draw] at (0.5*\L, 0.18) {\SI{0.27504}{m}};
\node at (0.5*\L, 0.22) {$L$};