

我是 Latex 的初学者,在制作表格方面遇到了困难。我的项目中有几个长而宽的表格,跨越了好几页。我发现很难在 A4 横向的页面尺寸内对齐它们。




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\multirow{3}{2cm}{Study} & 
\multirow{3}{1cm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Phase}} & 
\multirow{3}{1cm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Blinding}} &
\multirow{3}{1cm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Design}} & 
\multirow{3}{2cm}{Disease} & 
\multicolumn{3}{m{5cm}|}{\small Investigational group} & 
\multicolumn{3}{m{5cm}|}{\small Reference group} & 
\multicolumn{2}{m{4cm}|}{\small PFS/DFS} \\


& & & & &

\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Treatment} & 
\multirow{1}{1cm}{N} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Median PFS months} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Treatment} & 
\multirow{1}{1cm}{N} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Median PFS months} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{PFS HR (95\% CI)} & 
\multirow{1}{1.5cm}{PFS p-value} \\

& & & & & & & & & & & & \\

        {{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- (Continued from previous page)}} \tabularnewline


\multirow{3}{2cm}{Study} & 
\multirow{3}{1cm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Phase}} & 
\multirow{3}{1cm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Blinding}} &
\multirow{3}{1cm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Design}} & 
\multirow{3}{2cm}{Disease} & 
\multicolumn{3}{m{5cm}|}{\small Investigational group} & 
\multicolumn{3}{m{5cm}|}{\small Reference group} & 
\multicolumn{2}{m{4cm}|}{\small PFS/DFS} \\


& & & & &

\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Treatment} & 
\multirow{1}{1cm}{N} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Median PFS months} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Treatment} & 
\multirow{1}{1cm}{N} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{\small Median PFS months} & 
\multirow{1}{2cm}{PFS HR (95\% CI)} & 
\multirow{1}{1.5cm}{PFS p-value} \\

& & & & & & & & & & & & \\
         &     & \tabularnewline
        \multicolumn{13}{l}{{(Continued on next page)}} \tabularnewline

\multicolumn{13}{|l|}{Primary endpoint DFS} \\


\citeauthor*{pmid25403578}, \citeyear{pmid25403578} \parencite{pmid25403578}; \citeauthor*{pmid27310205}, \citeyear{pmid27310205} \parencite{pmid27310205} & 3 & No & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Superiority} & Resectable metastatic colorectal cancer & FOLFOX7+FOLFORI & 140 & 24.5 & FOLFOX4 & 142 & 22.4 & 0.94 (0.94,0.70,1.26) & 0.679 \\


\citeauthor*{pmid28634730}, \citeyear{pmid28634730} \parencite{pmid28634730} & 3 & No & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Non-inferiority} & IIB/III colorectal cancer & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus protein-bound polysaccharide K (UFT + PSK) & 151 & NR, 3 years DFS=72.6\% & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus leucovorin (UFT/LV) & 161 & NR, 3 years DFS=82.3\% & NR & NR \\


\citeauthor*{pmid25403578}, \citeyear{pmid25403578} \parencite{pmid25403578}; \citeauthor*{pmid27310205}, \citeyear{pmid27310205} \parencite{pmid27310205} & 3 & No & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Superiority} & Resectable metastatic colorectal cancer & FOLFOX7+FOLFORI & 140 & 24.5 & FOLFOX4 & 142 & 22.4 & 0.94 (0.94,0.70,1.26) & 0.679 \\


\citeauthor*{pmid28634730}, \citeyear{pmid28634730} \parencite{pmid28634730} & 3 & No & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Non-inferiority} & IIB/III colorectal cancer & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus protein-bound polysaccharide K (UFT + PSK) & 151 & NR, 3 years DFS=72.6\% & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus leucovorin (UFT/LV) & 161 & NR, 3 years DFS=82.3\% & NR & NR \\


\multicolumn{13}{|l|}{Primary endpoint Other} \\


\citeauthor*{pmid25403578}, \citeyear{pmid25403578} \parencite{pmid25403578}; \citeauthor*{pmid27310205}, \citeyear{pmid27310205} \parencite{pmid27310205} & 3 & No & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Superiority} & Resectable metastatic colorectal cancer & FOLFOX7+FOLFORI & 140 & 24.5 & FOLFOX4 & 142 & 22.4 & 0.94 (0.94,0.70,1.26) & 0.679 \\


\citeauthor*{pmid28634730}, \citeyear{pmid28634730} \parencite{pmid28634730} & 3 & No & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Non-inferiority} & IIB/III colorectal cancer & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus protein-bound polysaccharide K (UFT + PSK) & 151 & NR, 3 years DFS=72.6\% & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus leucovorin (UFT/LV) & 161 & NR, 3 years DFS=82.3\% & NR & NR \\






这是我想要制作的漂亮表格,其中所有内容都排列整齐(使用 excel)




您可以看到“优越性”未居中。“Cediranib 20mg+FOLFOX6”转到下一个单元格。“Bevacizumab+FOLFOX6”转到下一个单元格。






  1. 生成的文本\citeyear,似乎只有一个单词,并且无法换行,所以唯一的解决办法是增加列宽。顺便说一下,某些列可以做得更窄。
  2. 为了使旋转后的“盲法”适合表头,\vrule 可以放在“调查组”之前 - \vrule height 14pt depth 10pt width 0pt Investigational group。这会增加第一行的高度。
  3. p{}如果文本适合一行,请不要将其用作多列的规范,而应将c文本置于多列跨度的整个宽度内居中。
  4. 您可以将 \hsize 指定为 \multirow 的内容宽度\multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering Study}。Multirow 会忽略单元格的对齐规范,因此需要明确指定。
  5. {\arraystretch}{0.9}线条接触文本时,似乎不太好,最好增加 \arraystretch 的值。
  6. 当然,类似的列(例如,处理)的宽度应该相同。

表格如下 在此处输入图片描述

  1. 我已经删除了表格主体中的\multirow一些单元格和标注的单词。origin


                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{3.0cm}| %  1 Study
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{0.7cm}| %  2 Phase
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{0.7cm}| %  3 Blinding
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{0.7cm}| %  4 Design
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.0cm}| %  5 Desease
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.3cm}| %  6 Treatment
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{0.7cm}| %  7 N
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.0cm}| %  8 Median PFS
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.0cm}| %  9 Treatment
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{0.7cm}| % 10 N
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.0cm}| % 11 Median PFS
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.5cm}| % 12 PFS HR
                >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1.5cm}| % 13 PFS p-value
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering Study} & 
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Phase}} & 
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Blinding}} &
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Design}} & 
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering Disease} & 
            \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\small \vrule height 14pt depth 10pt width 0pt Investigational group} & 
            \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\small Reference group} & 
            \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\small PFS/DFS} \\
            & & & & &
            \small Treatment & 
            N & 
            \small Median PFS months & 
            \small Treatment & 
            N & 
            \small Median PFS months & 
            PFS HR (95\%~CI) & 
            PFS p-value \\
            %& & & & & & & & & & & & \\
            {{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- (Continued from previous page)}} \tabularnewline
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering Study} & 
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Phase}} & 
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Blinding}} &
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Design}} & 
            \multirow{3}{\hsize}{\centering Disease} & 
            \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\small \vrule height 14pt depth 10pt width 0pt Investigational group} & 
            \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\small Reference group} & 
            \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\small PFS/DFS} \\
            & & & & &
            \small Treatment & 
            N & 
            \small Median PFS months & 
            \small Treatment & 
            N & 
            \small Median PFS months & 
            PFS HR (95\%~CI) & 
            PFS p-value \\
            %& & & & & & & & & & & & \\
            %&     & \tabularnewline
            \multicolumn{13}{l}{{(Continued on next page)}} \tabularnewline
            \multicolumn{13}{|l|}{Primary endpoint DFS} \\
            \citeauthor*{pmid25403578}, \citeyear{pmid25403578} \parencite{pmid25403578}; \citeauthor*{pmid27310205}, \citeyear{pmid27310205} \parencite{pmid27310205} & 3 & No & \rotatebox{90}{Superiority} & Resectable metastatic colorectal cancer & FOLFOX7+FOLFORI & 140 & 24.5 & FOLFOX4 & 142 & 22.4 & 0.94 (0.94,0.70,1.26) & 0.679 \\
            \citeauthor*{pmid28634730}, \citeyear{pmid28634730} \parencite{pmid28634730} & 3 & No & \rotatebox{90}{Non-inferiority} & IIB/III colorectal cancer & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus protein-bound polysaccharide K (UFT + PSK) & 151 & NR, 3 years DFS=72.6\% & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus leucovorin (UFT/LV) & 161 & NR, 3 years DFS=82.3\% & NR & NR \\
            \citeauthor*{pmid25403578}, \citeyear{pmid25403578} \parencite{pmid25403578}; \citeauthor*{pmid27310205}, \citeyear{pmid27310205} \parencite{pmid27310205} & 3 & No & \rotatebox{90}{Superiority} & Resectable metastatic colorectal cancer & FOLFOX7+FOLFORI & 140 & 24.5 & FOLFOX4 & 142 & 22.4 & 0.94 (0.94,0.70,1.26) & 0.679 \\
            \citeauthor*{pmid28634730}, \citeyear{pmid28634730} \parencite{pmid28634730} & 3 & No & \rotatebox{90}{Non-inferiority} & IIB/III colorectal cancer & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus protein-bound polysaccharide K (UFT + PSK) & 151 & NR, 3 years DFS=72.6\% & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus leucovorin (UFT/LV) & 161 & NR, 3 years DFS=82.3\% & NR & NR \\
            \multicolumn{13}{|l|}{Primary endpoint Other} \\
            \citeauthor*{pmid25403578}, \citeyear{pmid25403578} \parencite{pmid25403578}; \citeauthor*{pmid27310205}, \citeyear{pmid27310205} \parencite{pmid27310205} & 3 & No & \rotatebox{90}{Superiority} & Resectable metastatic colorectal cancer & FOLFOX7+FOLFORI & 140 & 24.5 & FOLFOX4 & 142 & 22.4 & 0.94 (0.94, 0.70, 1.26) & 0.679 \\
            \citeauthor*{pmid28634730}, \citeyear{pmid28634730} \parencite{pmid28634730} & 3 & No & \rotatebox{90}{Non-inferiority} & IIB/III colorectal cancer & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus protein-bound polysaccharide K (UFT + PSK) & 151 & NR, 3 years DFS=72.6\% & Oral adjuvant uracil and tegafur plus leucovorin (UFT/LV) & 161 & NR, 3 years DFS=82.3\% & NR & NR \\
