重置每个 Beamer 部分的帧数和总帧数

重置每个 Beamer 部分的帧数和总帧数

我正在使用 LaTeX Beamer 帧计数器来显示


...这意味着如果我的项目有 20 帧,幻灯片在第 16 帧,“16/20”被展示。


例如,如果第 16 帧实际上在第 2 部分,而第 1 部分有 5 帧,那么它应该显示“11/15”


如果有帮助的话,这里是我当前设置的 MWE(帧数较少):

%%% Preamble %%%

% Make slide numbers appear, and they appear next to navigation
\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%

%%% Document %%%

    \section{First section}
        This frame should show ``1/2'', not ``1/5''.
        This frame should show ``2/2'', not ``2/5''.
    \section{Second section}
        This frame should show ``1/3'', not ``3/5''.
        This frame should show ``2/3'', not ``4/5''.
        This frame should show ``3/3'', not ``5/5''.



以下方法在.aux每个\section(包括文档末尾)处插入一个“标签”,以便捕获当前帧号。捕获的帧号(\section由于chngcntr) 随后插入页脚。




\counterwithin{framenumber}{section}% Number frames within \section

% Make slide numbers appear, and they appear next to navigation
\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%

\renewcommand{\section}{% Store current \section's frame count
\AtEndDocument{% Store final \section's frame count
\newcommand{\inserttotalframenumberbysection}{\csname s@totalsectionframes-\arabic{section}\endcsname}%


\section{First section}

  This frame shows ``1/2'', not ``1/5''.

  This frame shows ``2/2'', not ``2/5''.

\section{Second section}

  This frame shows ``1/3'', not ``3/5''.

  This frame shows ``2/3'', not ``4/5''.

  This frame shows ``3/3'', not ``5/5''.

