在自制的 Lettrine 中向图像添加字母

在自制的 Lettrine 中向图像添加字母


\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\tikz\fill[black] (0,0) rectangle (5ex,7ex);\,}{} would like this box to be a lettered lettrine; more specifically, I would like it to contain a fitted-to-the-box, white, bold capital I. How may this be accomplished? Thank you.



问题:如何在框中添加一个大而粗的(白色)字母(例如)才能得到相当不错的自制莴苣?(我是在看了这篇文章后有了这个想法的带有图像的 letter但并未说明如何做到这一点。



在这里,我使用一个简单的\colorbox来包含versal,然后将其缩放到所需的大小。 编辑以处理降部,例如大写字母Q

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my I}{} would like this box to be a
  lettered lettrine; more specifically, I would like it to contain 
  a fitted-to-the-box, white, bold capital I. How may this be 
  accomplished? Thank you.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my W}{ould} this work as I desire it?  Who 
  can say?  Let us give it the old ``college try'' and see what results.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my Q}{uestions} remain on the proper method
  to handle descenders.  In this case, I shift all letters up to sit
  fully upn the baseline, even if it means the ``Q'' gets diminished
  slightly in size.


这种方法提供了充足的定制机会。例如,可以轻松调整颜色和通用字体(我还增加了\fboxsep0.5 pt,以包含突出的点W):

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my I}{} would like this box to be a
  lettered lettrine; more specifically, I would like it to contain 
  a fitted-to-the-box, white, bold capital I. How may this be 
  accomplished? Thank you.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my W}{ould} this work as I desire it?  Who 
  can say?  Let us give it the old ``college try'' and see what results.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my Q}{uestions} remain on the proper method
  to handle descenders.  In this case, I shift all letters up to sit
  fully upn the baseline, even if it means the ``Q'' gets diminished
  slightly in size.



\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my I}{} would like this box to be a
  lettered lettrine; more specifically, I would like it to contain 
  a fitted-to-the-box, white, bold capital I. How may this be 
  accomplished? Thank you.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my W}{ould} this work as I desire it?  Who 
  can say?  Let us give it the old ``college try'' and see what results.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my Q}{uestions} remain on the proper method
  to handle descenders.  In this case, I shift all letters up to sit
  fully upn the baseline, even if it means the ``Q'' gets diminished
  slightly in size.



Q为了解决我像上面那样处理下降线所带来的沮丧,我感到必须纠正这种情况。它仍然需要对 进行一些手动干预Q,既要将字母线从 2 延长到 3,也要将 的垂直范围Q从默认7ex高度增加到更大的高度(此处9ex)。

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my I}{} would like this box to be a
  lettered lettrine; more specifically, I would like it to contain 
  a fitted-to-the-box, white, bold capital I. How may this be 
  accomplished? Thank you.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em]{\my W}{ould} this work as I desire it?  Who 
  can say?  Let us give it the old ``college try'' and see what results.

\lettrine[nindent = .4em, lines=3]{\my[9ex] Q}{uestions} remain on the
  proper method to handle descenders.  In this case, I increase the number
  of lettrine lines from 2 to 3, and I have modified \textbackslash my
  to take an optional argument length, to revise the height of the 
  encased letter.

