使用 expl3 语法将文本附加到外部文件的每一行

使用 expl3 语法将文本附加到外部文件的每一行

假设我有一个外部 questionfileone.tex 文件,其中此外部文件的每一行代表一个特定的问题文本。例如,我可以将其用作我的工程专业学生的测试数据库。以下是该文件的一个说明性示例:

1,"Engineering Question Text 1"
2,"Engineering Question Text 2"
3,"Engineering Question Text 3"
4,"Engineering Question Text 4"
5,"Engineering Question Text 5"
%and so on ..., hundreds, perhaps thousands of questions accumulated through the years ...
%and perhaps hundreds/thousands of external files containing thousands of questions per each external file

请注意,问题按时间顺序编号为 1、2、3 等,并且每个数字和该行的问题都用逗号分隔。


1,"Engineering Question Text 1","Answer Text"
2,"Engineering Question Text 2","Answer Text"
3,"Engineering Question Text 3","Answer Text"
4,"Engineering Question Text 4","Answer Text"
5,"Engineering Question Text 5","Answer Text"

请注意,我只是简单地为外部文件的每一行附加了字符串,"Answer Text"。如果外部文件中只有 5 行,则可以手动完成此操作 --- 复制粘贴系统。但是,如果有数千行,并且可能有数百/数千个外部文件(每个文件包含数千行),则可能值得以某种方式自动执行每行附加文本的过程。

请注意,我仍然需要更改Answer Text每一行,因为不同的问题会有不同的答案。但至少占位符已经存在了。

还请注意,这可以在 MS Excel 中使用内置的连接函数完成。但是,我在想是否可以使用 LaTeX 完成,特别是如果涉及大量文件时。

考虑以下 MWE:


%external file 1: questionfileone.tex
1,"Engineering Question Text 1"
2,"Engineering Question Text 2"
3,"Engineering Question Text 3"
4,"Engineering Question Text 4"
5,"Engineering Question Text 5"

%external file 2: questionfiletwo.tex
6,"Engineering Question Text 6"
7,"Engineering Question Text 7"
8,"Engineering Question Text 8"
9,"Engineering Question Text 9"
10,"Engineering Question Text 10"

%for declaration only
%#1 is the text to be appended to each line of the external files
%#2 are the list of external files


{,"Answer Text"}%
%This macro operation will append ``,"Answer Text"'' in each line of each of the external files questionfileone.tex and questionfiletwo.tex





