不要过度拉伸 gb4e 中元素之间的垂直空间(注释诗歌文本;enumitem 问题)

不要过度拉伸 gb4e 中元素之间的垂直空间(注释诗歌文本;enumitem 问题)

我的部分数据是诗歌文本,我更喜欢逐行注释。我尝试了以下设置 (MWE):



\ex \gll der wídem vnd der zehent gar. \\
        of endowments and of tithe even \\
    \gll wærn \textbf{baidev} \textbf{warn} bar. \\
        would\_be.PL both-NOM.PL.N.ST child[NOM.PL.NEUT] bereft \\
    \trans `the children would be bereft of endowments and thithes'


这样就可以生成所需的逐行注释,但是,'\gll和 '之间的间距\trans可能会延伸到愚蠢的长度——大约 10 毫米。有没有一种方便的方法可以让元素之间的垂直间距保持合理,比如将其固定在.5\baselineskip,而无需\vspace{-somevalue}手动粘贴示例?我当前的文档设置已经有




根据要求的最相关的实际设置@gernot我将问题追溯到enumitem阻止在 exe 环境中操作空格的包:




\ex \gll der wídem vnd der zehent gar. \\
        of endowments and of tithe even \\
    \gll wærn \textbf{baidev} \textbf{warn} bar. \\
        would\_be.PL both-NOM.PL.N.ST child[NOM.PL.NEUT] bereft \\
    \trans `the children would be bereft of endowments and thithes'


使用枚举项: 加载 enumitem 后

没有枚举项: 在此处输入图片描述


\gll如果要通过连续使用多个 s 来控制换行符,请定义一个compactexe如下所示的环境(放入序言中)并使用它来代替环境exe

    \topsep=0pt% if package enumitem is not used
    \partopsep=0pt% if package enumitem is not used
    % Otherwise, if package enumitem is used:




    \topsep=0pt% if package enumitem is not used
    \partopsep=0pt% if package enumitem is not used
    % Otherwise, if package enumitem is used:

\ex \gll der wídem vnd der zehent gar. \\
        of endowments and of tithe even \\
    \gll wærn \textbf{baidev} \textbf{warn} bar. \\
        would\_be.PL both-NOM.PL.N.ST child[NOM.PL.NEUT] bereft \\
    \trans `the children would be bereft of endowments and thithes'

\ex \gll der wídem vnd der zehent gar. wærn \textbf{baidev} \textbf{warn} bar.\\
        of endowments and of tithe even 
        would\_be.PL both-NOM.PL.N.ST child[NOM.PL.NEUT] bereft \\
    \trans `the children would be bereft of endowments and thithes'

