我有一段长度为一行或两行的段落。我希望两个连续段落 A 和 B 的开头之间的距离保持不变。我该如何实现?
基本上,如果 A 只有一行,我希望有一个“幽灵空白行”,因此 B 的开头与 A 的开头之间的距离等于 A 有两行时的距离(我不想手动为只有一行的段落添加垂直空格)
这是一个 MWE(请注意,我使用表格而不是评论中所建议的段落)
我希望这两个 tikz 文本节点的行从相同的高度开始。我不太担心 的参数的混乱,\content
因为我将以编程方式生成它。(使用 tikz 文本节点是必要的。使用 tabularx 不是必需的,但格式应该与我下面的格式相匹配,即左侧的数字和段落的其余部分与左侧对齐(This 的 T 位于 will 的 w 之上))
\node[text width=5cm] {
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} r @{} X @{}}
\content{ \textbf{1. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{2. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{3. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{4. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{5. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{6. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{7. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{8. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{9. } & \textbf{One line} \\ \textbf{10. } & \textbf{One line}}
\content{ \textbf{1. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{2. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{3. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{4. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{5. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{6. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{7. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{8. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{9. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines} \\ \textbf{10. } & \textbf{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines}}
这是一个完全不同的想法:假设你处于 中tikzpicture
\newcommand{\oneline}{One line of text}
\newcommand{\twolines}{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines}
\path (start) node[anchor=base west, text width=0.5cm,
font=\scriptsize\bfseries, inner xsep=0.2cm, align=right](tmp){#1}
(tmp.base east) node[anchor=base west, text width=4.8cm, align=left,
\coordinate (start) at ([yshift=-0.7cm]start);
\coordinate (start) at (0,0);
\coordinate (start) at (0,0);
\slap{8}{\twolines{} And if I wrote too much, it'll overlap: \twolines}
{Too many lines here}% Error message
{The box is overlapping with the previous one}% Help text
\newcommand{\oneline}{One line of text}
\newcommand{\twolines}{This text contains two lines, I will never write three lines}
\path (start) node[anchor=base west, text width=0.5cm, font=\scriptsize\bfseries, inner xsep=0.2cm, align=right](tmp){#1.}
(tmp.base east)
node[anchor=base west, text width=4.8cm, align=left, font=\scriptsize](tmp){#2.};
\coordinate (start) at ([yshift=-0.7cm]start);
% let's calculate the vertical distance between (tmp.south) and (start)
\path let \p1=(start),\p2=(tmp.south),\n1={\y1-\y2} in \pgfextra{\xdef\tmpp{\n1}};
% you may need to tweak the "0pt" here
\coordinate (start) at (0,0);
\coordinate (start) at (0,0);
\slap{8}{\twolines{} And if I wrote too much, it'll overlap: \twolines}% error here
! LaTeX Error: Too many lines here.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.50 ... wrote too much, it'll overlap: \twolines}
% error here
\textcolor{red}{ERROR: $>$2 lines\\Text Discarded}\else
Indents and margins\\are here
1. This is a test
2. This is a test\\and more of a test
3. This is a test\\and more of a test\\and yet again
\textcolor{red}{WARNING: What follows is $>$2 lines}\\\box0\else
Indents and margins\\are here
1. This is a test
2. This is a test\\and more of a test
3. This is a test\\and more of a test\\and yet again
1. This has one line
2. This has one line
3. This has two lines, not more than two line, really no more than that
4. This has two lines, not more than two line, really no more than that
5. This has one line
\newpage % just to show what happens
6. This has two lines, not more than two line, really no more than that
but this actually has more than two lines, oops
7. This has one line
8. This has two lines, not more than two line, really no more than that
{\par\ifnum\prevgraf>2 \typeout{WARNING! More than two lines on line \the\inputlineno!}\fi
WARNING! More than two lines on line 31!