tikzpicture 打印在错误的位置

tikzpicture 打印在错误的位置

我想将图片打印在 A4 纸的右上角。为了将其放置在那里,我使用了 tikzpicture。但是当我将其打印出来时,它的位置与我在 PDF 中看到的位置不同。我想这可能是因为我没有定义纸张大小。但是使用该geometry包后,它仍然处于错误的位置。以下是带有 tikzpicture 的示例代码:

\documentclass{article} % Starts an article
\usepackage{amsmath} % Imports amsmath
\title{\LaTeX} % Title

\begin{document} % Begins a document
  \LaTeX{} is a document preparation system for
  the \TeX{} typesetting program. It offers
  programmable desktop publishing features and
  extensive facilities for automating most
  aspects of typesetting and desktop publishing,
  including numbering and  cross-referencing,
  tables and figures, page layout,
  bibliographies, and much more. \LaTeX{} was
  originally written in 1984 by Leslie Lamport
  and has become the  dominant method for using
  \TeX; few people write in plain \TeX{} anymore.
  The current version is \LaTeXe.

  % This is a comment, not shown in final output.
  % The following shows typesetting  power of LaTeX:
    E_0 &= mc^2 \\
    E &= \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node [anchor=south east,yshift=0pt,xshift=0]%
        at (current page.south east)

第一张图片是我在 PDF 屏幕上看到的,无论我是否使用 都无所谓geometry。左边的第二张图片是带 的打印输出geometry,第二张图片是没有 的打印输出geometry。我在两台不同的打印机上试过了,所以我认为这与打印机无关,但我不知道。

PDF 位置打印出
