章节标题内的复杂数学表达式会产生错误 TeX 容量超出,抱歉

章节标题内的复杂数学表达式会产生错误 TeX 容量超出,抱歉

TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]我收到以下 .tex 文件第 47 行的错误。


这是我的.tex 文件。


\usepackage{amssymb}   % for math
\renewcommand\vec[1]{\ensuremath\boldsymbol{#1}} % bold font for vectors

\usepackage{amsfonts, relsize, color}





Some math expressions like this works $\mathcal{A}_{ij}$ when inside titles of the sections.

But complicated expressions containing $\bra{}$, $\ket{}$, or $\langle$ or $\rangle$ inside section or subsection does not work.


\section{Some math expressions like this works $\mathcal{A}_{ij}$ when inside title}

Here it works $\bra{\frac{\partial}{\partial \vec{k}} u_{\vec{k}}} \tilde{\vec{P}}(\vec{k}) \ket{u_{\vec{k}}}$, but this does not work when inside section's title.

%The following fails to compile

\section{Calculation of $\bra{\frac{\partial}{\partial \vec{k}} u_{\vec{k}}} \tilde{\vec{P}}(\vec{k}) \ket{u_{\vec{k}}}$}





\texorpdfstring有两个参数:第一个是普通的 TeX 代码(用于标题和目录),第二个是字符串,可以用来替换书签中的 TeX 代码。





\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % math symbols
\usepackage{bm} % bold math font
\usepackage{graphicx} %
\usepackage{comment} % 
\usepackage{textcomp} % 

\usepackage{xcolor} % 



\texorpdfstring{\bm{\vec{#1}}}{}} % bold font for vectors  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<






Some math expressions like this works $\mathcal{A}_{ij}$ when inside titles of the sections.

But complicated expressions containing $\bra{}$, $\ket{}$, or $\langle$ or $\rangle$ inside section or subsection does not work.


\section{Some math expressions like this works $\mathcal{A}_{ij}$ when inside title}

Here it works $\bra{\frac{\partial}{\partial \vecx{k}} u_{\vecx{k}}} \tilde{\vecx{P}}(\vecx{k}) \ket{u_{\vecx{k}}}$, but this does not work when inside section's title.

%The following fails to compile

\section{Calculation of 
    $\bra{\frac{\partial}{\partial \vecx{k}} u_{\vecx{k}}} \tilde{\vecx{P}}(\vecx{k}) \ket{u_{\vecx{k}}}$



\bm{\vec{#1}}} % bold font for vectors  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\usepackage[bookmarks=false]{hyperref} % supress bookmarks <<<<<<<<<<<
