



基本上,我想在 a) 中绘制图像 b) c) 和 d) 红线。b) 线垂直切割图像,c) 线水平切割图像,d) 线圆形切割图像。谢谢!


     % isometric axes
    \tikzset{isometric/.style={x={(-\xx cm,-\xy cm)},y={(\xx cm,-\xy cm)},z={(0cm,\zz cm)}}}
    % parameters
    \def\nc{24}   % number of cogs (multiple of 4, at least 8)
    \def\H {1}    % total height
    \def\h {0.25} % cog height
    \def\R {2}    % outer radius
    \def\r {1.5}  % inner radius
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\nw{\nc/4} % number of cog walls per quadrant
    \pgfmathsetmacro\a {180/\nc}    % step angle
    \pgfmathsetmacro\is{135+2*\a}   % inner part step
    \pgfmathsetmacro\il{315-4*\a}   % inner part last iteration
    \pgfmathsetmacro\os{-45+2*\a}   % outer part step
    \pgfmathsetmacro\ol{135-4*\a}   % outer part last iteration
      cogs/.style= {fill=gray!50},
      top/.style=  {fill=gray!20},
      cut/.style=  {color=red!60, dashed},
    \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=1,xscale=1, isometric,line join=round,line cap=round]
    % inner cogs side walls
    \foreach\i in{-\nw,...,\nw}
      \draw[cogs] (\a*\j:\R) -- (\a*\j:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\j:\R-\r) -- cycle;
      \draw[cogs] (\a*\k:\R) -- (\a*\k:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\k:\R-\r) -- cycle;
    % inner part
    \draw[inner] (135:\r) foreach\i in {135,\is,...,\il}
      {arc (\i:\i+\a:\r)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\r) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
       arc (315-2*\a:315-\a:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (315-\a:315:\r)    --++ (0,0, \H-\h)
       arc (315:135:\r) -- cycle;
    % outer cogs side walls
    \foreach\i in{-\nw,...,\nw}
      \draw[cogs] (\a*\i:\R) -- (\a*\i:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\i:\R-\r) -- cycle;
      \draw[cogs] (\a*\j:\R) -- (\a*\j:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\j:\R-\r) -- cycle;
    % outer part
    \draw[outer] (-45:\R) foreach\i in {-45,\os,...,\ol}
      {arc (\i:\i+\a:\R)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\R) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
       arc (135-2*\a:135-\a:\R) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (135-\a:135:\R)    --++ (0,0,\H-\h)
       arc (135:-45:\R) -- cycle;
    % top part
    \draw[even odd rule,top] (0,0,\H) circle (\R) (0,0,\H) circle (\r);
    \draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.95*\R);
    \draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.90*\R);
    \draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.85*\R);
    \draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.80*\R);


\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}

% isometric axes
\tikzset{isometric/.style={x={(-\xx cm,-\xy cm)},y={(\xx cm,-\xy cm)},z={(0cm,\zz cm)}}}

% parameters
\def\nc{24}   % number of cogs (multiple of 4, at least 8)
\def\H {1}    % total height
\def\h {0.25} % cog height
\def\R {2}    % outer radius
\def\r {1.5}  % inner radius

\pgfmathtruncatemacro\nw{\nc/4} % number of cog walls per quadrant
\pgfmathsetmacro\a {180/\nc}    % step angle
\pgfmathsetmacro\is{135+2*\a}   % inner part step
\pgfmathsetmacro\il{315-4*\a}   % inner part last iteration
\pgfmathsetmacro\os{-45+2*\a}   % outer part step
\pgfmathsetmacro\ol{135-4*\a}   % outer part last iteration

  cogs/.style= {fill=gray!50},
  top/.style=  {fill=gray!20},
  cut/.style=  {color=red!60},

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=1,xscale=1, isometric,line join=round,line cap=round]
% inner cogs side walls
\foreach\i in{-\nw,...,\nw}
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\j:\R) -- (\a*\j:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\j:\R-\r) -- cycle;
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\k:\R) -- (\a*\k:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\k:\R-\r) -- cycle;
% inner part
\draw[inner] (135:\r) foreach\i in {135,\is,...,\il}
  {arc (\i:\i+\a:\r)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\r) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
   arc (315-2*\a:315-\a:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (315-\a:315:\r)    --++ (0,0, \H-\h)
   arc (315:135:\r) -- cycle;
% outer cogs side walls
\foreach\i in{-\nw,...,\nw}
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\i:\R) -- (\a*\i:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\i:\R-\r) -- cycle;
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\j:\R) -- (\a*\j:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\j:\R-\r) -- cycle;
% outer part
\draw[outer] (-45:\R) foreach\i in {-45,\os,...,\ol}
  {arc (\i:\i+\a:\R)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\R) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
   arc (135-2*\a:135-\a:\R) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (135-\a:135:\R)    --++ (0,0,\H-\h)
   arc (135:-45:\R) -- cycle;

% top part
\draw[even odd rule,top] (0,0,\H) circle (\R) (0,0,\H) circle (\r);

\clip (-45:\R) foreach\i in {-45,\os,...,\ol} %clip with same path as the outer drawing
  {arc (\i:\i+\a:\R)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\R) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
   arc (135-2*\a:135-\a:\R) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (135-\a:135:\R)    --++ (0,0,\H-\h)
   arc (135:-45:\R) -- cycle;
\draw[cut] (-45:\R) ++(0,0, 0.8*\H) arc (-45:135:\R);
\draw[cut] (-45:\R) ++(0,0, 0.6*\H) arc (-45:135:\R);
\draw[cut] (-45:\R) ++(0,0, 0.4*\H) arc (-45:135:\R);
\draw[cut] (-45:\R) ++(0,0, 0.2*\H) arc (-45:135:\R);

\clip (0,0, \H) circle (\r);
\clip (135:\r) foreach\i in {135,\is,...,\il} %clip with same path as the inner drawing
  {arc (\i:\i+\a:\r)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\r) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
   arc (315-2*\a:315-\a:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (315-\a:315:\r)    --++ (0,0, \H-\h)
   arc (315:135:\r) -- cycle;
\draw[cut] (-45:\r) ++(0,0, 0.8*\H) arc (135:-45:-\r);
\draw[cut] (-45:\r) ++(0,0, 0.6*\H) arc (135:-45:-\r);
\draw[cut] (-45:\r) ++(0,0, 0.4*\H) arc (135:-45:-\r);
\draw[cut] (-45:\r) ++(0,0, 0.2*\H) arc (135:-45:-\r);




c) 图像。只缺少最下面一行中的齿轮间隙中断。



% isometric axes
\tikzset{isometric/.style={x={(-\xx cm,-\xy cm)},y={(\xx cm,-\xy cm)},z={(0cm,\zz cm)}}}

% parameters
\def\nc{24}   % number of cogs (multiple of 4, at least 8)
\def\H {1}    % total height
\def\h {0.25} % cog height
\def\R {2}    % outer radius
\def\r {1.5}  % inner radius

\pgfmathtruncatemacro\nw{\nc/4} % number of cog walls per quadrant
\pgfmathsetmacro\a {180/\nc}    % step angle
\pgfmathsetmacro\is{135+2*\a}   % inner part step
\pgfmathsetmacro\il{315-4*\a}   % inner part last iteration
\pgfmathsetmacro\os{-45+2*\a}   % outer part step
\pgfmathsetmacro\ol{135-4*\a}   % outer part last iteration

  cogs/.style= {fill=gray!50},
  top/.style=  {fill=gray!20},
  cut/.style=  {color=red!60, dashed},

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=1,xscale=1, isometric,line join=round,line cap=round]
% inner cogs side walls
\foreach\i in{-\nw,...,\nw}
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\j:\R) -- (\a*\j:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\j:\R-\r) -- cycle;
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\k:\R) -- (\a*\k:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\k:\R-\r) -- cycle;
% inner part
\draw[inner] (135:\r) foreach\i in {135,\is,...,\il}
  {arc (\i:\i+\a:\r)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\r) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
   arc (315-2*\a:315-\a:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (315-\a:315:\r)    --++ (0,0, \H-\h)
   arc (315:135:\r) -- cycle;
% outer cogs side walls
\foreach\i in{-\nw,...,\nw}
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\i:\R) -- (\a*\i:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\i:\R-\r) -- cycle;
  \draw[cogs] (\a*\j:\R) -- (\a*\j:\r) --++ (0,0,\h) --++ (\a*\j:\R-\r) -- cycle;
% outer part
\draw[outer] (-45:\R) foreach\i in {-45,\os,...,\ol}
  {arc (\i:\i+\a:\R)        --++ (0,0,\h) arc (\i+\a:\i+2*\a:\R) --++ (0,0,-\h)}
   arc (135-2*\a:135-\a:\R) --++ (0,0,\h) arc (135-\a:135:\R)    --++ (0,0,\H-\h)
   arc (135:-45:\R) -- cycle;

% top part
\draw[even odd rule,top] (0,0,\H) circle (\R) (0,0,\H) circle (\r);

\clip (\R,\R, \H) circle (1.5*\R);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.75*\H) circle (\R);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.5*\H) circle (\R);
\clip (\R,\R, \H) circle (1.2*\R);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.20*\H) circle (\R);

\clip (0,0, \H) circle (\r);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.8*\H) circle (\r);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.6*\H) circle (\r);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.4*\H) circle (\r);
\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0, 0.2*\H) circle (\r);
%\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.95*\R);
%\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.90*\R);
%\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.85*\R);
%\draw[even odd rule,cut] (0,0,\H) circle (0.80*\R);

