利用 makecell 在行之间绘制水平线

利用 makecell 在行之间绘制水平线

在表格中,我如何画一条水平线来分隔每三种智能手机型号?我的意思是在 LG、三星和小米之后必须有另一条线来分隔它们。此外,我还需要根据前三种型号分隔 25%、50% 和 75%。谢谢。在此处输入图片描述

    \caption{Localization errors in the three testing scenarios.}
            Testing condition& 
            Performance comparison& 
            Smartphone model&
            Scenario 1 & \makecell{25\% error \\ 50\% error \\75\% error}  & \makecell{LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi \\LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi \\LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi } & \makecell {1.675 \\ 2.134 \\ 2.563 \\3.858 \\4.892 \\ 4.593 \\6.564 \\ 8.277 \\ 6.723}& \makecell {2.179 \\ 2.758 \\ 2.845 \\4.215 \\ 5.560 \\ 4.964 \\7.568 \\ 8.537 \\ 7.232 } \\\hline
            Scenario 2 & \makecell{25\% error \\ 50\% error \\75\% error} & \makecell{LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi \\LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi \\LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi } & \makecell {2.021 \\ 2.171 \\ 2.568 \\3.021 \\3.452 \\ 4.078 \\5.691 \\ 8.277 \\ 6.328}& \makecell {2.396 \\ 2.435 \\ 2.960 \\3.156 \\3.785 \\ 4.951 \\6.413 \\ 7.809 \\ 7.625} \\\hline
            Scenario 3 & \makecell{25\% error \\ 50\% error \\75\% error}& \makecell{LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi \\LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi \\LG \\ Samsung \\Xiaomi } & \makecell {1.849 \\ 1.724 \\ 2.341 \\3.052 \\3.148 \\ 4.654 \\4.794 \\ 6.273 \\ 6.738} & \makecell {2.515 \\ 2.369 \\ 3.209 \\3.387 \\4.577 \\ 5.479 \\6.044 \\ 8.248 \\ 8.669} \\\hline


{NiceTabular}下面显示了如何使用 制作该表nicematrix



  \caption{Localization errors in the three testing scenarios.}
    Testing condition &  Performance comparison & Smartphone model & A & B \\
    \Block{9-1}{} & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 1.675 & 2.179 \\
                  & 25\% error    & Samsung & 2.134 & 2.758 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 2.563 & 2.845 \\
                  & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 3.858 & 4.215 \\
    Scenario 1    & 50\% error    & Samsung & 4.892 & 5.560 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 4.593 & 4.964 \\
                  & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 6.564 & 7.568 \\
                  & 75\% error    & Samsung & 8.277 & 8.537 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 6.723 & 7.232 \\
    \Block{9-1}{} & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 2.021 & 2.396 \\
                  & 25\% error    & Samsung & 2.171 & 2.435 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 2.568 & 2.960 \\
                  & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 3.021 & 3.156 \\
    Scenario 2    & 50\% error    & Samsung & 3.452 & 3.785 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 4.078 & 4.951 \\
                  & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 5.691 & 6.413 \\
                  & 75\% error    & Samsung & 8.277 & 7.809 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 6.328 & 7.625 \\
    \Block{9-1}{} & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 1.849 & 2.515 \\
                  & 25\% error    & Samsung & 1.724 & 2.369 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 2.341 & 3.209 \\
                  & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 3.052 & 3.387 \\
    Scenario 3    & 50\% error    & Samsung & 3.148 & 4.577 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 4.654 & 5.479 \\
                  & \Block{3-1}{} & LG      & 4.794 & 6.044 \\
                  & 75\% error    & Samsung & 6.273 & 8.248 \\
                  &               & Xiaomi  & 6.738 & 8.669 \\


您需要多次编译(因为nicematrix在后台使用 PGF/Tikz 节点)。







  \caption{Localization errors in the three testing scenarios.}
    colspec = {|X[3,m,c]|X[4,m,c]|X[3,m,c]|X[3,m,c]|X[3,m,c]|},
    cell{2,11,20}{1} = {r=9}{c}, %multirow
    cell{2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26}{2} = {r=3}{c}, %multirow
    Testing condition &  Performance comparison & Smartphone model & A & B \\
    Scenario 1 & 25\% error & LG      & 1.675 & 2.179 \\
               &            & Samsung & 2.134 & 2.758 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 2.563 & 2.845 \\
               & 50\% error & LG      & 3.858 & 4.215 \\
               &            & Samsung & 4.892 & 5.560 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 4.593 & 4.964 \\
               & 75\% error & LG      & 6.564 & 7.568 \\
               &            & Samsung & 8.277 & 8.537 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 6.723 & 7.232 \\
    Scenario 2 & 25\% error & LG      & 2.021 & 2.396 \\
               &            & Samsung & 2.171 & 2.435 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 2.568 & 2.960 \\
               & 50\% error & LG      & 3.021 & 3.156 \\
               &            & Samsung & 3.452 & 3.785 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 4.078 & 4.951 \\
               & 75\% error & LG      & 5.691 & 6.413 \\
               &            & Samsung & 8.277 & 7.809 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 6.328 & 7.625 \\
    Scenario 3 & 25\% error & LG      & 1.849 & 2.515 \\
               &            & Samsung & 1.724 & 2.369 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 2.341 & 3.209 \\
               & 50\% error & LG      & 3.052 & 3.387 \\
               &            & Samsung & 3.148 & 4.577 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 4.654 & 5.479 \\
               & 75\% error & LG      & 4.794 & 6.044 \\
               &            & Samsung & 6.273 & 8.248 \\
               &            & Xiaomi  & 6.738 & 8.669 \\


