使用 vwcol 添加脚注

使用 vwcol 添加脚注




\begin{vwcol}[widths={.5,.5}, sep=.8cm, justify=flush]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque mauris purus, rhoncus in scelerisque vitae, viverra ac quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus\footnote{et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas}. Duis in ligula sed massa aliquam accumsan. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec nec lectus sit amet turpis pellentesque posuere vel a lorem. Pellentesque laoreet nisl eu justo varius, quis pharetra ligula iaculis. 

但是,脚注没有显示出来。虽然显示了段落内的脚注编号,但是编号是错误的(本例中是 3,而不是 1)。

我想在页面底部添加脚注(就像注释掉设置 vwcol 环境的行时显示的那样)。如何在使用 vwcol 时显示脚注?


这种情况有两个问题。第一个问题是将vwcol内容设置为\parbox,它不显示脚注。请参阅为什么 \parbox 会丢失脚注?进行更多讨论,并通过重新定义找到解决方案\@footnotetext


为了解决这个问题,您可以在第一次运行时只处理脚注(以在页面底部显示正确的数字并防止多次添加相同的脚注)。但是,现在段落中不显示数字,因为这是上次运行的结果。因此,您可以使用 仅打印数字\footnotemark,并在每次运行之前将此数字重置为初始值。

实现上述目标的一个相对简单的方法是定义一个新的脚注命令,供在vwcol环境中使用(\footnotevwc在下面的 MWE 中)。对其余代码的必要修改很小(总共 8 行代码),但由于vwcol使用了包\NewEnvironment中的代码environ,因此不幸的是代码无法轻松修补。相反,在下面的代码中使用了环境的完整重新定义,从源代码复制而来。另一个问题vwcol中的脚注代码是另外 20 行。\parbox

完整 MWE:

      \relax sp
    \if@vwcol@prerule \advance\vwcol@totalwidth \vwcol@rule\fi
    \if@vwcol@postrule\advance\vwcol@totalwidth \vwcol@rule\fi
  \ifdim\vwcol@totalwidth > \linewidth
      Total width of columns plus their separations
      is greater than the linewidth^^J\space\space
      (by \the\vwcol@totalwidth\space - \the\linewidth\space =
       \the\dimexpr \vwcol@totalwidth-\linewidth\relax)}%
    \gdef\footnotereset{exec}%%%% set flag to process footnotes at first run
    \setcounter{fntemp}{\value{footnote}}%%%% store initial footnote counter
    \gdef\footnotereset{reset}%%%% don't process footnotes after first run
      \setcounter{footnote}{\value{fntemp}}%%%% reset counter for \footnotemark
        \hbox to \vwcol@totalwidth{\vwcol@{\BODY}}}%
        \advance\@tempcnta 1%
        \advance\vwcol@Nlines 1%
            The estimated number of lines is greater than
            \the\vwcol@maxrecursion\space lines too small,%
            so I gave up (last tried maximum value of
            Text will be truncated in the multicolumns;
            please select the%
            number of lines explicitly or increase
    \hbox to \vwcol@totalwidth{\vwcol@{\BODY}}%
        Not enough lines to fit the entire text;
        some text has been truncated.^^J\space\space
        Increase [lines=\the\vwcol@Nlines] to fit more%
        Or remove [lines=\the\vwcol@Nlines] altogether
        to have 'vwcol' estimate the value.}%

\def\fnexec{exec} % comparison value for \ifx
\newcounter{fntemp} % counter to store initial footnote number
% process footnotes if flag is set to 'exec', i.e., first run
% otherwise print only the mark (using the initial number)

% macros for showing footnotes outside of \parbox
\newcommand{\global@insert}[2]% #1=box number, #2=vertical list
  \global\setbox#1=\vbox{\unvbox\@tempboxa #2}

 \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
 \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
 \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark

\begin{vwcol}[widths={.5,.5}, sep=.8cm, justify=flush]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque mauris purus, rhoncus in scelerisque vitae, viverra ac quam.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 
senectus\footnotevwc{et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas}.
Duis in ligula sed massa aliquam accumsan.\footnotevwc{Aliquam erat volutpat.}
Donec nec lectus sit amet turpis pellentesque posuere vel a lorem.
Pellentesque laoreet nisl eu justo varius, quis pharetra ligula iaculis. 


